Season of Mastery - Addons should be removed

It seems like you want classic wow die out faster or what? smh

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On the contrary, in disabling addons the game will last longer and will be more challenging

People will just go play better games. WoW first must be designed without addons in mind. Old vanilla isn’t. Retail is closer but UI and highest endgame content relies on addons strongly.

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Just broadly suggesting to disable addons is extremely ignorant.

You could do better and target the addons that you find game breaking.

Careful. The people claiming vanilla barely had any addons will come crawling out of the woodwork with false ideas.


It is not ignorant, its economical for the developers, they would not trifle through all the addons disabling some and not others, as I said before (re-read posts above), it would either be all enabled or all disabled.
It is accurate that vanilla barely had any addons that were widely used and to the extent that they are being abused today(as per my OP where i talk about the AH addons).

Losing 60% of the playerbase is not economical for the devs.

Where has 60% come from?

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Critical thinking.

The larger player base was before addons were widely used

To Death: The default position is that the use of addons is permitted in Season of Mastery. It is for you to make a credible case such that addons should be removed (as opposed to demanding reasons why addons should be allowed). In trying to make a credible case you have fallen prey to the usual trap, which is to significantly over-state the power of addons (in addition you have conflated Season of Mastery with how WoW was ‘originally intended to be played’ - an illegitimate line of reasoning to say the least). Hence, you have constructed your case on at least two false premises.
Therefore, you have made a less than convincing argument in support of the removal of addons in Season of Mastery.

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MC was tested by Blizzard devs with the use of player made addons. Threat meters, quest helpers, loot lists were all addons that in later years of WoW were implmented in the core game because they were essential for was majority of the playerbase.

Plus original addon API allowed for automation, which nowadays is not possible. Decure addons would automatically cast appropriate spells for curses, poisons and diseases.

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If AH addons are game breaking then what are bots, end of the world for sure.

I really don’t see the problem, but we have people complaining on being undercut all the time and that’s not to blame the addons for lol.

Item flood, where one player post 300 auctions with 1 linen on each. Easy to fix. Or… nevermind, what crazy things am i saying. Do not bring the retail abomination of AH to classic.

Thanks Zync, I have stated multiple reasons why they should be disabled in my original post and various comments above, you are correct re ‘Originally intended’ - this is off topic, I have removed this from the original post

I can agree with the raid and combat addons making things too easy and it could be nice to remove them in a season of mastery, but quality of life addons are nice, including AH/vendor addons.

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Auction house addons make it far too easy to post items, flooding the marketplace and crashing item prices

Assuming you have the items… and to crash the prices you have to have a lot… by botting or by just having severely overpopulated realms.

That is all/this sum up this thread completely.


Don’t think addons have anything to do with bots - they probably use a program that monitors directx calls and injects into memory? The addon API wouldn’t really allow you to do what they do.

Your call for the removal of addons is akin to people saying “make hardcore only servers” - you want a safe space that forces everyone to play like you do. This isn’t how WoW (or any MMO really) works.

If you don’t want to use addons, kudos, that’s a personal achievement, just like getting to 60 without dying - but that’s not how the majority of people will want to play, and the more calls there are for separate/specific servers the more fragmented the (already smaller) community becomes - leading to cries of “reee, the game is dead, reee, nobody’s playing on my addonless server”


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Thank you for your opinion, If you are 100% sure that no bots use any addons then fair enough, but it’s safe to say that addons make the game easier - they called it Season of Mastery, not Season of Retail

Addons start in Vanilla and were used to fix underdeveloped parts of the game like no threat indicators, loot catalogues, better raid frames and alike. Don’t play the cheap retail card as it’s not true.

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