I like this game. And I probably will continue to play. But I wanna just say that again. Blizzard delete PvP from game, gear, BG’s everything. You are shame yourselves. Because you are bad developers. Simply you can’t in PvP.
If today you’ll start season with THIS balance… I don’t understand your tradition buff one specific class all the time over all and screwup whole balance!
Why do you invent scale (or adopt ) ilvl for PvP? It’s doesn’t work. Mage and Hunter kills me, whoever I play, Dru tank, Dru cat, Fury warrior… and they kills in seconds. one on one I have a chance and even have some kills. But with any support…
I know, but I speaks about other. My alt mid ilvlv and facing ilvl problems very oftern, my main instead in other side. Yesterday situation BG: Horde 50+ kills, Alliance 6+ kills.
hero talents play almost no real part in enahncing mage dmg tho, like, its very small, biggest problem for frostmage, is icelance being overtuned, which SHOULD be nerfed
but what about some of the classes outdamaging mage for like 2 or even 3 TIMES ?
frostmage might be top 10 pvp specs right now but it is TOP 10 not top spot, so w/e you are crying about frostmage, I GET IT, but what about the stuff that is ACTUALLY STRONGER
i know, u don’t realize, because you are not countered by those classes, like warlock, that does significant more damage than mage, having 10-20% more hp, a pet, heatlshtone and gateway for his group, better overall ccs, auramastery… just because you have constant uptime on him, doesn’t mean that he isn’t actually stronger
boomie is in the same spot, deva is in the same spot, hunter is in the same spot, dk is in the same spot, FURY is in the same spot, fury dps is pure insanity, but im okay with it, what i hate about fury, is the root charge, and the fact that shockwave and stormbolt are not choice node
and remember, this is coming from a mage, we had db icenova supernova and ring of frost all made into choice nodes, and im okay with it, but what about some other classes that didn’t have this treatment, and to this day, still cry mage.
You can get a crafted one with embellishments or some crap but that’s probably gonna cost a fortune as I’m already down over 100k for just a few enchants lol. I’m personally kinda happy with the free weapon though.
Sorry m8, frost mages… They are so strong. Today plays 5 RBG and all was ruined by FM. I do not saying that all bad stuff because of mages, there is many unbalanced stuff… but… Still mages is OP atm.