Seasonal track system

What if they add a two track seasonal progression system, to a battle pass but without payed progression.

So you would have two tracks, with the end reward being the seasonal elite sets (it would unlock the set for all classes).

Each season would offer rewards in the theme of the patch. Pets, transmogs, mounts etc

If you finish above a certain rating you still get the glad version of the mount as well as the title and enchant.

If you want to play casual you play non rated games and progress slowly along the track.

If you play rated depending on your rating you can skip steps I.e. 1800 would skip 2 steps, 2k 3 steps etc etc meaning you finish the seasonal rewards faster.

Anyway just an idea

u get the elite mogs anyway for free how more free u want them

i hope they put the elite sets back to 2k and put some effort into them and not just slap a different color on it and call it elite…
also i hope m+ gets one’

and no ur system sounds lame and the way u describe it sounds more like a archievement/collection overhaul

You do realise your attitude and elitism is the reason no one wants to play pvp. Anyway enjoy collecting your free elite mogs. My sub runs out tomorrow.

league also has elitism and is a booming game

there alot of elitism games

And with free rewards such as elite sets enchants glad mounts who really wanna play pvp and push lol

no one wants to play pvp because the entry border is so high and finding mates is realy hard as a beginner its more like a design issue with the heal speccs the lizardmen was promising but it looks stupid

You’ll never solve elitism. But setting the bar higher in dwindling game doesn’t help.

It’s fine for us that have played for years but imagine you’re new and you’ve watched awc.

First you level to cap, then you gear, then you learn keybinds, then you learn you need addons, then you queue and realise nothing in the game up to this point has taught you positioning or that you need to learn all the diminishing returns and cooldowns of 30 plus specs. You get all that down and you look at the reward system it’s just not good.

Or you can watch another game like cod or something and jump in and other than learning simple skills and practice you can just play. All rewards are accessible straight away.

If you want to attract new players it needs to change and encourage casual players.

If it doesn’t change it’ll be the same vets over and over until it consumes itself.

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seems like part of the game to me

league of legend u need to level
u need to learn 167+ different champion
i guess i can keep going on that list

did u ever thought about that maybe MMORPG´s in general just like RTS are not popular game formats anymore? if i am 16 years old again why the f would i start playing WoW even if u invent all ur Dreamscenarios why would i not play League? or Valorant?:smiley:

and maybe u notice a pattern young players want to play competetive games all succesfull games have heavy elitism and elo shaming and everything all the popular games are not casual games…they play for the gains just like some of us did with starcraft 2 or warcraft 3

But we will see if Riot can reawaken MMORPG again maybe WoW would profit from that aswell if youngster try it but i assume that Riot MMO would have alot of elitsm inside it just like the other games theyhave

I agree with you to an extent but I guess the difference with league is you can load the game and play pvp. There is no levelling or hearing and there’s very little buttons to press it’s just about practice but you can essentially just get rolling straight away. I haven’t played league in years so no idea what the reward system is but I’m sure when I played it was just a rating really. Kind of like overwatch used to have.

its borders and a skin

but most importantly its internet “fame” its like a status reaching a certrain rank and i feel like MMO´s are currently missing that elitism aspect again MoP was also great right alot of elitsm and alot of pvp streamers

i just hope that the next big mmo either gonna have a big competetive gameplay while attracting casual at the same time

or smth like skyrim a world to explore and do cool stuff

wish skyrim together would be a better mod

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Yeah status is cool if it’s just borders and stuff. That’s a flex I just hate the elite set system in wow.

I’m not great at arena but I have partial incomplete sets and it’s annoying lol.

I usually end up moaning the weakest specs plus the wait times for dps put me off lol.

theres no other status in wow its only a mog wich isnt really one anymore thats why t he old ones are still so cool and the glad mount

the rating system needs a big overhaul

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You just want free mog because you’ve never gotten any

No i just a fairer means of earning them. Either way it doesn’t matter, i am happy not to get any at all as i have done for years. But there needs to be more incentive to play pvp.

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