Seeing how Classic is right now

Idk mate, I am still having fun in it when I play Classic. :woman_shrugging:

Is not just Classic forum or Retail forum. In a lot of games what I find on the forum is usually negativity. Not everyone on the forum is a troll of course but, in general you will rarely see a forum where people just say “thanks this game is beautiful”.

I think is just what the majority do on the forum.
Even if the game was in a way better state, you would still find mostly negativity here.


I tried out classic, got to like… 15, then gave up, and people complain that retail has slow leveling…

Or its when no one wanted to play with you becouse you are trash and not the expansions?? :thinking::thinking:

See here is where you really ought to stop either watching your favourite doom and gloom 'Tuber or streamer or simply stop believing the guff thrown at you by people who have no idea what is going on at Blizzard and want to simply jump on a scapegoat bandwagon.

See when Activision much like that other gaming béte noire of the internet, Bethesda, acquire a very successful company as an affiliate they generally leave them alone to their own devices. Much like bethesda (who are themselves an affilate of ZENIMAX media) did when it acquired id, they pretty much left it alone and allowed them to develop in their accustomed style. All they did was publish their games. case in point. Doom 2016 and the upcoming Doom Eternal.

Activision do that with blizzard. What you will find however, and I know this upsets people who have zero business sense, is when said affiliate starts to make bad product, then the owner tries to calm rocky waters. And if the developer it has acquired goes down the tubes, much like every other business model, it’s owner asset strips it and gets rid of the waste.

As both Blizzard and id still rake in MILLIONS of dollars each year, you can stop this Activision is to blame for everything horsecrap, because Blizzard isn’t going to be asset stripped or forced into complete management overhaul anytime soon. because as the internet generally has the attention span of a sugar rushed toddler, once a controversy blows over and the internet has a new thing to yell about, Blizzard know they can ride out a small storm. Blizchung anyone? Everyone seems to have forgotten that eh?

And has been mentioned elsewhere. people generally use the internet to whine about something. The people who play the game are doing just that.

Playing. Case in point. You know what game the internet overwhelmingly decided was the worst game ever last year? Yep. Fallout 76.

Yet when asked, “you played it then?”

Naw. i heard it was crap

(slurps from soda) Thanks for proving my point. Thank you and goodnight. Just look at the official Fallout page on facebook. it’s hilarious with the people all too ready to jump down Todd Howard’s throat (like he is the only one who works for bethesda), and people on here are too quick to jump on Lon’s head if the game isn’t developed to THEIR liking.

So by all means blame Activision if it will make you feel better. Only other dribbling halfwits who can’t face the fact that sometimes Blizzard actually IS fallible will also get their collective panties in a bunch because they see an Activision tab on their launcher,

you write so much useless info…do i care about what so ever bullsh*t business? all i know is…

-diablo2 best game ever was released at June 29, 2000
-warcraft3 second best game ever was released July 3, 2002
-Wow vanilla in eu(early 2005) Wow tbc(end of 2006) a real mmo experience
-wow wotlk was out to test on Jun 2, 2008, release was on November 13, 2008
-Kotick of activation saw that World of Warcraft was bringing in over US$1.1 billion a year in subscription fees “On July 9, 2008, Activision merged with Vivendi Games, culminating in the inclusion of the Blizzard brand name”

-Then magically activation started to bring New Sht style games…where wow was changed into something else, making fail expansions(cata), adding odd features, adding ingame shop, adding LF’Retrds"…etc even released diablo3 which was considered by far worst than Diablo2.

  • On July 25, 2013, Activision Blizzard announced the purchase of 429 million shares from owner Vivendi(blizzard) 1year later they released wow-WOD"screwing the lore, and Diablo3 expansion to Destroy the game completely" releasing a card game Hearthstone"p2w" So really this magic happens and activation has nothing to do with this? go check the tons of games designers who left blizzard since activation laid a finger on the company.

Actually I like both classic and retail. I can appreciate both for different reasons. Both have flaws and both do some things better.

What I want is a mixture of the two into a brand new game with all new redesigned features.

Oh look, another thread bashing Classic. Well, I suppose it makes a change from all the ‘BFA is crap’ threads and how Blizzard don’t care anymore.

Personally I love Classic and find retail to be the dullest WoW has ever been.


You and many people.
Thing is, I rarely see people bashing Classic AND it’s players, but I do see ALOT of Classic players bashing Retail and it’s players.
You wanna bash a game? No problem, I’ll join in.
But insulting players because they play a version of WoW?
I myself am not happy with retail’s current state.
I’ve made over 7 characters and just cannot stick with any of them.
I waited so much for my PC and for WoW, and I’ve barely touched WoW.
If Shadowlands doesn’t cut, I’ll have to leave forever, sadly.

You are forgiven mister level 120 furry guy.

Sorry? Automated LFG? Welfare gear? Faceroll dungeons and raids? Streamlined leveling across board? Heirlooms? Removing of elite quests? Do you realize that despite of WoTLK was peak of wow subs it actualy made huge amounth of players quit game. Thats why wotlk went from 11m+ in TBC to only 11.5m+ in WoTLK. Wotlk wasnt anywhere near to TBC anf vannila quality.

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that’s true…i’m aware of TBC gave a good feelings and it had totally fresh style of content, while wotlk focused on playing styles and pvp for that perhaps wotlk wasn’t flawless as it only reached 12million player when tbc had 11million…But check what happen afterwards for cata/mop/wod…etc huge drop in Subs as the game barley kept any players.

the point is…pre 2008 awesome games is Blizzard games, after that is activation works aka Sh*t games.

They released the wrong version of AV so people complained, and now they made it so you can’t premade in AV which has annoyed people.

Which does mean people still liked Wotlk. And you act as if the changes you mention were bad…
Why do you see all of those additions as bad?
Also. No elite quests?? There were tons of 3-5 man elite quests

Yes they did but only by new audience we called them wrath babies. Most old dedicated audience quit and wave of seasonal casuals start playing becouse game become again more acessible than previous expansions. But pretty sure Blizz didnt expect their old audience quit in such big numbers. They wanted to retain old audience and by cuttering game to earn even more players. It didnt worked back in wotlk and it also do not work now. You need target audience. In wotlk playerbase got replaced thats why wotlk have such low player growth.

hmm old audience did quit in wotlk? i haven’t, neither any of my irl friends did, neither my guild, or even the other guilds who was well known in server in 70, same goes to many worldwide guilds! they all entered wotlk and enjoyed the awesome expansions, everyone was interested in the the wrath of the lich king and ICC was the most played raid ever in wow history.
sure during wotlk you could expect some players to take breaks or new players join game but i doubt that any wow fan who played vanilla&tbc would quit in wotlk for any reason except “irl issue’s” But everyone did quit in cata, and the patience players did quit at wod…

So yup blizz tbc had 11million player, then subs jump to 12million player for blizz wotlk, then activation merged and subs kept on down fall for cata/mop/wod…etc and when activation took full control of blizz? they stopped telling number of subs because they are ashamed to tell “retail players are now only 1~2million”

It’s just your opinion so far. All you have shown are numbers of decline. Nothing that shows old players left and that the reason for it was wotlk.
I haven’t ever seen any statistics aside from the sub charts that suggest anything you have said is true.
All we can say is that WoW subs peaked during Wotlk. We can’t really say much else.
Thus I asked you why. Wondering if you had maybe any other statistics, would be really nice.
Before you think I’m attacking you for how you look at this, I’m not. i just want to see the source of where you based it upon.

I’m sorry but this makes no sense.

I agree, that wotlk introduced things that later became issues in the game, but you can’t just assume that the playerbase of an MMORPG has unlimited proportional growth if it stays at the same quality. There’s limited amounts of people who are interested in these sort of games and thus, every expansion that ends with more subscribers than it started with should be considered successful, which would mean Classic, TBC and WotLK were successes.

By your logic, wotlk should’ve ended with roughly 15-16 million players, to be a good expansion, which is quite ridiculous to expect.

If anything, the proportional growth of WoW should be proportional to the people owning a WoW capable PC, when staying at the same level of quality, after reaching its first peak, rather than keeping it’s growth.

Your example is similar to comparing the amount of people reading the second harry potter book and the third one and stating that the third one is worse because “only” 15 million people read it, compared to the 13 million that read the second one, because the jump from the first book to the second book was 7 million to 13 million, thus to be a good book the third needed to reach 19 million readers. Keep in mind that these numbers are purely made up, but I’m sure you get my point about how your expecation is unreasonably proportional.

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