Hello. all. I hope there is someone out there who can help me with this. this is how i try to click on my own profile to target me. then it will be like I press the right click to inspect. it’s the same when I try to press my group of friends and if anyone knows the problem please let me know Thank you MVH
I don’t know if you might have fixed that now but, if I understand correctly, you’re trying to target yourself by left clicking on your portrait, but what is happening instead is that the menu you’d normally get when you right click on your portrait appears?
This could be a number of things … for example do you have an addon that may allow you to adjust what happens when you click on your portrait? Clique, for one, will let you do this.
Fairly recently, Blizzard have also introduced Click Casting … which is similar to what the addon Clique does … this allows the ability to reassign your left/right mouse clicks (Options>Keybindings>Click Casting).
There’s also a possibility that you’ve adjusted the mouse settings themself in the mouse driver/software.
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