Post your best ingame selfie in wow! I wanna see
This is mine I took it in Zuldazar
Post your best ingame selfie in wow! I wanna see
This is mine I took it in Zuldazar
Crown of the Seducer from Battle of Dazar Alor (Normal mode)
It’s from the Battle of Dazar’alor raid, from Opulence, if I remember correctly.
How do we even take selfies in game?
It’s a easy process but basically there is a Goblin in Ogrimmar who will ask you to get her some stuff. Easy to get.
Then she will reward you with the camera Toy
Thanks, time to unlock this toy then and post my selfie here haha.
The goblin’s name is Vivica Starshot found in Valley of spirits
Most of the stuff she will ask you to get is at the auction house
And there is one thing that’s a loot from a beast in Stranglethorn.
Good luck!
Keep in mind there is two quests she gives.
This is the only one I have lol. Nim at the very beginning of BfA, had to join the Belfie crowd.
She has a tan from Vol’dune.
I love those two. So hilarious. “All our friends at Silvermoon will be so jealous” hahaha
I noitced now my Zala troll’s arm not up high Hope blizzard soon edit it.
I got it! The selfie camera is so neat, i didnt even know it existed.
i cant post links yet just remove the dot in https to see mine
Thank you.
If you still have any reason to go to Nazjatar ZĂĂo, make sure you keep the camera handy as if you are lucky, you may bump into Fabious, take a selfie with him in the background and he is yours
I didnt like Nazjarar so i only did what i had to do there with my demon hunter but now this changes things, i may hang out there for a chance to get this mount. Thanks for the info
Do Fabious only use mount in Nazjatar? No other place like wihout water and Nazjatar zone?
It’s suck I hoped blizz edit seahorse can magic floating on ground or flying
I was still sadly since Cata.