Selling LFR gear

Then it’s a matter of the lesser evil.

Having people needing on gear to trade it on gold on Group loot.

Or longer queue times and people leaving more often after each boss with PL.

My guess is simply that for the designer the first is the lesser one.

lol, group loot IS the old days; PL only exists since Cata.

We only get stuff from bosses because we killed them as a group; its loot has to be visible and roll-able by everyone contributing to the kill; PL goes against what a group-game is, making ppl even more egoistic than they already are.

Loot selling also happened with PL, it just was less visible.
Useless drops also happened with PL: ppl getting the exact same item again they already had, it was - once again - just less visible.

Not true.
From Cata till WoD it was Group Loot (cant be sure 100% about wod because I stopped doing LFR).

Personal Loot became more commoing in higher pugs aswell in Legion until he became the to go loot system from BFA and Shadowlands.

I don’t find queue times any different atm

how long is the average?

Hm, I remember PL making an appearance with LFR & Dragonsoul, but whatever, your correction only makes my argument stronger, as PL would be an even newer phenomenom then. :man_shrugging:

When LFR was released was even possible to use ML.

This was hotfixed pretty soon as it was abused during the Dragonsoul Race to funnell gear to tanks due of the tier bonus on tanks being very strong and working on all the raid.

No not only in wow.

Raiding was always unrewarding if you did it occasionaly instead do it all tier long with the same guild preferably using epgp or something similiar.

I must admit i really enjoyed the SR loot addons in wolk classic. It simplifies everything soo much on regarding that its automaticly Rolling out stuff and you know even before start od raid who is your competition . And as times passes in natural way less and less people compete

I found it plenty rewarding under PL. I got 2 pieces per clear per difficulty and the found it the easiest method to gear. I was always well geared under PL getting loot in raids, now it’s awful.


Seen it happen, and the seller was kicked.

Felt rightful tbh.


I think its perhaps a little “unsporty” to roll on items with the sole purpose of selling them, but on the other hand; they have just as much right to an item that drops as I do.

The “unwritten rule” since the dawn of the game has always been that you need with the intent to equip, but since there is absolutely no consequences of needing because you can - people will do just that.

And honestly; People in heroic raid level gear running an LFR has just as much right to roll on gear they have no intention of equipping as me who is after upgrades. We both participated in the bosskill.

On the first day of the patch, I got a whisper offering me 200k for a LFR tier token. I just didn’t reply.

Easy fix is hind it if you win the loot roll outside of guild groups

They could turn off gold trading inside LFR


PL is a Legion thing. I think group loot was before it, but yes, group loot is much, much older than PL.

I honestly can’t remember when we got PL, I do know it didn’t work well to start with, or it might just have been scare mongering that PL dropped less. I thought it was WoD but I found this:-

Personal Looteditedit source

Introduced in Mists of Pandaria, Personal loot is the default for all group content. Under personal loot, the game chooses a number of players (based on group size) and awards them a random item for their spec, while everyone else receives an amount of gold specific to them. Mounts can also be won via this method from bosses that drop them. Like solo looting, the drops are retrieved by directly looting the corpse of the boss, with the chat logs showing who’s won something. Loot from Personal Loot is tradeable to anyone in the group, as long as it is also not an ilvl upgrade for yourself.

The Bonus Roll system, also introduced in Mists of Pandaria, uses this loot type as well. Players in possession of a specific token, such as the Inv misc azsharacoin [Seal of Broken Fate], will be given a chance to spend the token for another try at loot from a recently defeated boss. This can be done on any difficulty as well as on world bosses. The chance of obtaining loot from a boss drop is currently theorized to be approximately 15% (equivalent to an average of 3.75 items from a 25-player kill), but this has not been confirmed.

Finally, Legion legendary and artifact quest items are treated as what’s called ‘personal push loot’, meaning these items do not need to be directly looted from the boss’ corpse and are instead directly placed in the player’s inventory.

This loot method is preferred by developers and, with Battle for Azeroth, has replaced the other methods.


Yeah its hopeless. I did a full LFR and normal and got 0 loot. I want the old system back, then you almost allways got atleast 1 piece per wing


And Here i am with 9 alts’ where 4 of them haven’t got a single piece of item in 2 weeks (Close to 80+ kills in total )

Not talking about mythic+

I believe that the game punish you the more you play or try to improve …or whatever…


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