Semi - Hardcore PVE/PVP [MOGRAINE - H] Recruiting!

We are Galewood, a semi-hardcore raiding guild on Mograine for classic WoW.

Our goal is generally going to be about being a friendly and community based group that will be progressive raiding throughout Classic, progressing through all of the 6 phases as they come, on time and efficiently.

We aim to enjoy the content as much as possible. We will be focusing a lot more on the end game content but also catering to those who would just like to play casual and be a part of the guild and also to help those who want to progress into the more endgame content too.



Raiding will 3 Nights a week
Wednesday - 19:30 - 22:30
Sunday - 19:30 - 22:30
Monday - 19:30 - 22:30

Raid times will be strict. We will pull on time and end on time. We will never raid past our allotted raid time.

We are currently filling our roster out, here is a list of the classes currently available that are needed based on our current roster:

Hunter - almost full

Mage - slots remaining

Rogue - slots remaining

Lock - almost full

Holy Priest -slots remaining

Resto Druid - slots remaining

Paladins - slots remaining

Warrior - slots remaining

Shaman - almost full

Just because a slot is full, that does not mean you are not allowed a slot on the roster. We are a ‘Semi-Hardcore’ guild that is flexible and who’s general goal is to enjoy the progress and to progress :).


Experienced Leadership

Progression raiding

DKP loot system that rewards performance, attendance, and dedication.

Organized events including World PvP and BGs and more.


Mograine- Horde EU

If you are interested here is my discord(kieran#8018)

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