Send message to chat if party cd is off cd and mine spell was used

Send message to chat if party cd is off cd and mine spell was used.
The idea is that you can announce the party that your spell was used and they can use some buffs.
In my case:
Demonology warlock casts Tyrant. If there is a hpriest/discpriest in party/raid and power infusion is not on cd - warlock posts message “Tyrant up. Pi me”.
I don’t want to spam in chat on every use of my Tyrant.
So far I didn’t find such wa or macro. Maybe somebody faced similar problem?

You could do it but it’d be complicated (well beyond my knowledge level). Likely requires leveraging LibGroupInspectT.

On the other hand, you could just install Method Raid Tools, enable the Raid CD tracker, enable Appearance > General > Other Setup > Send message to chat on click or Send whisper-to-use to player on click, then click on the Priest’s PI in the tracker to automatically message them when you want PI.

Please don’t send automated whispers, that’ll get you blocked fast. In WeakAuras you can use the “buff applied” event or “cast successful” and then perform an action on it, such as sending a message to chat

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