Send "Proof" and Explain the "Premade"-problem to

that nonoua guy either calls everyone a kid or tells them they have problems lolmao

Ikr? Probably not much more than a kid himself. I bet he’s still in his teens.

I have never ran a 40m premade

And with the size of premade communities if they queued in groups of 5 without syncing, they’d still end up together due to how the queue system works. Your point?

That is utter BS and we all know it. You’d be lucky to get one in five in the busiest time of the day.

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WOW, only 4x more than what is maximally allowed. :laughing:

Basically, Blizzard has made a rule that you can only queue with groups of up to 5 players because they wanted to allow friends to play together for the social aspect, but also thought that fully coordinated raid groups would be too hard to beat for random opponents, so they restricted the ability to queue as a raid and only allowed small groups, and rightly so.

Unfortunately´, they suck at enforcing their own rules, and players have soon found out that you can get into the same round in larger groups if you just synchronize queues.

As a result, they have near complete control over the quality of the players in their team, the specs they bring (they can stack 10 healers if they feel like it while the opponents have 2). Vastly superior communication and coordination, which is so much of an advantage that nobody but other players who also queue sync stand a chance against them. This results in boring and one-sided rounds where the winner is pre-determined and the opponents have no chance to win.

You can call it what you want. If this isn’t cheating, it is poor sportsmanship, extremely lame and makes the game worse in any way imaginable. The rule is there for good reason and you deliberately go around it to gain an unfair advantage. If you think this isn’t accurate, you are just in denial.

In practice, 100% of players with 90-100% winrates in epic bgs are premade raid queue syncers. Every single person you see here in the forum with these winrates syncs queues and is part of a premade community.

Wanna make a bet? For the next 10 times you play epic bgs, don’t talk to other members of your community when they want to play, just make one group of up to 5 and queue. You may spontaneously coordinate with other players in your premade community who happen to be in your round, but don’t deliberately queue sync.

I bet you will lose at least 2 of your next 10 epic bgs.


There’s not a single word that comes out of your mouth that I would believe


It is what it is, you denying it doesn’t change this.

But why would I do that? I play ebgs to have fun with others.

You play ebg for the safety in numbers and for the easy wins/rewards… scared to play a computer game on your own, there’s not enough LOL in the universe for that

It’s an MMO rpg, not a single player game.

It’s also an mmo with a 5 player limit for entering a BG, but spineless people like you abuse the queues… imagine of all the things you could choose to be in a game, you choose a gutless, spineless coward.


It’s a matter of common sense. Putting 40 man premade in the same BG, with the exception of Korrak, is practically impossible, statistically.

To be honest, I usually play normal BGs most of the time, which I find more fun than the epic ones. Currently I only play epics occasionally to hang out with the members of the community that I have been in for years, however, when I see those who insult us or foam at the mouth it makes me want to queue epics with the community even more.


This is just to show how nonsensical your argument is. No, you would absolutely not get similar results if you didn’t queue sync and queued organically instead. You would occasionally meet a familiar face in your team or two outside of the up to 4 people you can bring along.
If you don’t believe me, try it.

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I play epic battlegrounds because I enjoy organized mass PvP with objectives outside of just killing players. So why would I queue by myself or with a max of 4 others and end up with mixed results of fun?

I used to play Aion with 200v200, or at some point even 200v200v200v200 battles. That’s the kind of PvP I enjoy. Why would I sit back and suffer through solo queues with the risks of not having fun because the queue decided to randomly put 5~20 people with me that are either trolling on purpose, or trolling with bad gear and skill?

But that’s just the thing though. You’re not playing organized mass PvP because only one team is organized. Therein lies the crux of the matter.

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Because that is what is acceptable in this game, there is a 5 man limit and the same rules and conditions are supposed to apply to everybody. But because you can’t handle that, you have to ruin what used to be fun battlegrounds and you people are THE biggest single reason that PVP sucks these days. So do us and yourself a favour, and jog on back to Aion or whatever it is and go play 200 v 200 you massive clown.

Report any rule breaking, especially the outliers.

That is not my problem now is it?

