Separate Wild Growth BG queue from other servers

If I face a premade from Wild Growth with my premade - they just stand AFK at GY (hi Tod).
If you solo queue, and you have 4 people from that server - you know you’re going to lose.
PvE andies should not be placed with real players

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I’m sorry we don’t live up to your mighty lvl 25 elite skills, mr real player.


Thanks for opening a thread and telling us, you might want to use a few of the existing threads to vent.

Real players, LMAO… Maybe people just dont want to play on GDKP/toxic zoom zoom servers?

The Truth ! Thanks

I play on PvE server because i’m a Legend in PvP
When i was on PvP server, the “real players” like you that were jealous of my legendary skillz in BG, were chasing me 24/7 ,
I’m straight, and having all these guys chasing me 24/7 is not appealing, every player like you want to challenge the Legendary Lamborgimli, but you can’t, because i chill on PvE servers
Many good PvP players choose to go on PvE servers
Your topic is an unskilled crybaby topic


Yeah you scared about Legendary Lamborgimli
As Luffy in One Piece i navigate in a barrel (first episode)
Legendary Lamborgimli have a price on his head ! Real Pirate !

You little rats from PvP servers ain’t chips !


:monkey: Monkey D. Lamborgimli is here !