I’m wondering if there is a npc or some way to get into the Sepulcher of first ones raid finder variant in dragonflight? Raid finder variant is available for earlier expansions raids through npc but have Blizz not added it for sepulcher yet?
Not yet, no idea why. It also seems rather pointless, unless the loot rules work differently from how they do on normal and higher for Shadowlands raids. Right now the drops feel downright anaemic. I’d love to have LFR unlocked though, if only for a chance to grab some weapons that match the normal set.
For now the only way to enter would be to group up with other players and queue it in the raid finder drop-down list, if those raids are available there. I actually got GMOD through raid finder during Shadowlands.
And as for soloing Sepulcher and the other Shadowlands raids, I would say that this won’t be implemented until the next expansion because I could not see the point of Blizzard adding an LFR NPC for Shadowlands raids until we can solo those raids. And that won’t happen until we are 20 levels higher than those bosses, which would be in the next expansion. They did this with BFA raids even though they can’t be soloed as they are, so I would imagine Blizzard would take a point from this. Just my thoughts.
But we already can solo Nathria normal, and even if we can’t solo it… what’s wrong with having an option to just queue your group like the other LFRs? I don’t know about anyone else, but I personally have a group of friends that we do weekly transmog runs of old content with.
Usually it takes Blizzard a while to implement past LFRs and apply legacy loot. I’m 100% sure it’ll happen, but yeah, I hope soon!
This isn’t actually true. Blizzard has quite consistently introduced solo LFR queues in the first 0.5 patch (e.g. Antorus in 8.0.5 solo queue was introduced). So they are actually off-schedule if we use that metric.
Super annoying, too. I want one thing from LFR Sep and it seems like it isn’t a project which is being actively worked on. I don’t really understand Blizzard’s approach to issues such as these, either. I know a ton of people who play for collecting old transmog/mounts/rep etc., and it seems like Blizzard is just not interested in facilitating solo play of recent expansions.
Just seems abit odd, really. What’s the harm of adding an aura/buff to all legacy raids to make them soloable, and add LFR queues to ones which are missing. I know I’d certainly put more hours into WoW if I was able to solo more recent (but outdated) content, so I’m sure there is a market for it
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