Serious changes needed for SP pvp

Devs please ,

Please play some SP shuffle. Just watch some …

md 2 min cd for shadow is like cutting their legs off in PVP, fix this for SP in PVP. Mind blast needs to be buffed a bit or give us some spell dmg for landing it like discipline has, and remove the instant procs that do nothing on full gear players with 900k.

Mindgames is cool n all but it’s not scary, stick it in insidious Ire and give it a kick up the butt.

Door or shadows back , Dark ascension instant cast or a fast cast

Plz do something, SP is cool as hell to play, but it’s l;ike walking through honey to play in shuffle and 3s


As well as that, if I could fix one thing in SP pvp it would be to have some kind of mobility/escape from melee like other ranged dps have.

Mage has blink/shimmer with talented resets, so at least 2 escapes.

Warlock has circle teleport and gateway - 2 escapes, technically 3 if taking shadow rift.

Moonkin has fly to ally or turbokitty

Ele has gust of wind on 25 sec if specced and totem/ghostwolf.

Hunter can leap back while trapping etc.

We have dispersion, but that’s basically a slightly mobile version of Iceblock with 75% DR instead of 100% DR, and many other classes have an equivalent e.g. warlock pact/resolve whatever. Our fear and stun are breakable and of course other classes have those too. For mobility we are left with what - awkward feathers?

Imagine SP, even with the rubbish abilities we have in this patch as you mention, had stuff like:

Void Gateway
Void Circle teleport
Void Phase (blink via the void)
Void Jump (aka gust of wind)

Just give us one.

Two charges of door of shadows back and on shadow school. Would give some optiins to play and creat a play, still able to get away ( for 3 seconds ) on a 45 sec re charge.

Something like that.

The Md change was insane though for SP. It was practically the only reason they had any comps at all for a long time.

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Wont change anything. If melee decide to tunel you, they will be on you till your or them die or until they change their mind. One blink without any slows or any kiting capability whatsoever wont change anything. They have so many gap closers cuz of mages that we would need so many stuff to keep them in check. Only viable way for shadow to be playable is for them to be tanky as shownnin previous seasons we worked as a tanky caster with utylity, and if left alone to be threathning. Atm we are none of those.

shadow is like a pre beta stage compared to shadowlands season 4

Playing SP is the most miserable thing in this game.

With all the micro cc and interrupts being on basically no cd you can never get a cast of. and then when the unimagineable happens that is when you actually manage to apply sw;p and vt, dp, then guess waht
instantly dispelled. cast void eruption ? lmao get kicked, try again? lmao get stunned try again? lmao get stunned and on repeat. literally unplayable spec, my favorite spec is literally unplayable vs anyone with half a brain, for now goodbye shadow priest.


Am I the only one who wants back Shadowy Disguise? And Cascade…

As long as there are melees running around left and right with 101% uptime, countless micro CC you can’t have casters without giving them reliable instant dmg like Mind Spike used to be.

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All of your stuff would Shadow still be bad, mobility is useless if we get ONE if meeles have 4 too 5 buttons too catch up, also gl pumping dps while running away if yiu wont too get rid of proccs

We just need too be a bit more tanky, proccs need too hit harder and VT need a nasty dispel protac maybe as new PvP talent because most of them are hardnerfed

Passive PvP talent, when struck by Melee to increase movement speed by 4%, stacks 5 times [20%]. Lasts 15 seconds.


When struck by Melee steal 2% of movement speed from enemy adding to your own, stacks 5 times [-10%/+10%]. Lasts 15 seconds.

Go… :stuck_out_tongue:

Add and cannot be slowed

Lets see if the armour change is enaugh and the view damage buffs

Most of us want this. :slight_smile:

Yeah the old spectral guise with more HP on the clone and built in snare removal would be epic.

I personaly think that current melee design and utility is way beyond anything that shadow, or priest in general, ever had. Nothing that we had in the past would fix the current punching bag situation imho. We just need to be tanky and, if left alone, to be an actual threath that cannot be nulified by just pressing rotational dispell.

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New Skillcaped video, notice the only Specc that gets still be pointet out as VICTIM specc is Shadow Priest

Thanks Blizzard if i play Shadow i enjoy it so hard being a VICTIM of domestic violance

Buff shadow Defensive, Buff cast immunity if you get out a VT we should be immune for interrupt for 15 second

Its fun to play its the devs that doesn’t care enough for it to make it work.

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