Serious problem with Windows 11 and notifications on dungeon queue when in background


After migrating to Windows 11, I have a nasty problem when World of Warcraft is put on background mode and I’m waiting for a dungeon queue. In Windows 10, I didn’t have that problem. The icon on the taskbar began to flash and blink big big.

However, now in Windows 11 when WoW is in background, queued for dungeon and as soon as I’m ready to enter, the notification blinking is weak, it only subtly darkens and I can’t catch it in time.

Can somebody help me, either with how to change Windows settings or with an addon?

Workaround: enable sound in background in WoW, disable music, ambience but keep sound on. Move your character to a quiet place so there won’t be other distracting sounds (flying high up in air works in most locations, WoD garrisons are good, too). Then you should hear the DING sound when the queue pops up without other distracting sounds.

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