Servant of N’zoth bugged

Hello there i hope this reach blizzard or anyone from tech support to probably fix this because it has been so long already

Over 3 years ago you deployed a hotfixed that was supposed to limit Servant of N’zoth the hotfix is as follows

DECEMBER 8, 2020: N’Zoth no longer has an active communication link between Azeroth and Shadowlands, preventing Horde and Alliance Assassins in War Mode from hearing the whispers in Shadowlands…
Link of the hotfix:

Basically it meant that servant of n’zoth quest should be limited to BFA zones from release of BFA until 8.3 zones which they were vale and uldum as they were last bfa zones ever since that hotfix i have been trying this every patch hoping they would fix it yet there’s nothing you can check wowhead comments since i was reporting it every patch

This video was made during 10.1 aka aberrus patch yet we did how it should be done by getting assassin buff then the dagger pop in your bag but nothing
Link of the video:

Lastly blizzard never mentioned ANYTHING regarding servant of n’zoth being removed from the game since blizzard do the “What to do list before next exp” yet no mention of it from their news so it was never meant to be removed
Link of what to do before SL:

Lastly i would appreciate any help by reporting this to blizzard by feedback or submit bug report and i hope any developer from blizzard acknowledging this there are many people who wish to finish this FOS and get their mount

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day <3


I’d like to also get that toy but it has been impossible for awhile now.

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