Servant of N'zoth issue

Remove ability to instantly remove " Servant of N’Zoth" buff. It became just ridiciolus how people turn this crap on, fight you, and in the first sign of their defeat, they just remove the buff and save their lives with ease.


It’s world pvp it doesn’t need to be balanced are they having fun? Cool you have warmode on so suck it up


Its cool that it exists how-ever in the current iteration of WM its beyond practical to use where everybody likes to dog pile to resolve combat. Kudos to the people trying to create some havoc on unbalanced faction shards imo.

It’s fun to attack an ally, then turn off the N’lyeth.

i love it when they do that, then i surprise them with my own Servant of N’zoth popping on suddenly to continue the fight and finish them off.


Haha nice one… I must try that out!

I tried it once. Was killed 3 sec later. Guess i need to improve my gear. :joy:

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