Yo guys!
Did some1 of you guys were able to get this title recently? It seems bugged for me.
Me and my friend (me 60, she is 70) tried this in Zuldazar. I got the horde assasin, but the quest didnt show up.
Or should i be 70 to get the quest?
i remember there was a prerequisite for it no?
also wowhead comment ‘‘Got the quest popping up today in Ardenweald after killing a multiboxer two times (so 10 hordekills). Didn’t attempt it, but it seems it is still there.’’’
mnaybe u should try this in SL zone? or it moved to DF already?
I seem to recall that it didn’t always proc at the time you got Assassin. It just procc’d randomly whilst you were an assassin. I remember spending along time in Nazjatar waiting for it to proc.
I was also under the impression it was removed. But don’t quote me on that, I have no confirmation whether it was or wasn’t, just an assumption.
I got the alliance slayer quest tho, but the title for Alliance slayer is bugged too.
I wonder if this happens for Servant of N zoth too.
So, i should just stay and wait for the quest to pop up randomly? (N zoth one)
I doubt you can get this anymore. A fren of mine tried to help me with it during SL, with lvl 50+ toons, and I could only get the horde assassin. No pop-up for the “kill your own faction” quest.
Shedding her blood has been for next to nothing, so don’t make the same mistake unless you love the scent of blood of course.
For the record, we tried for this in Nazjatar, as the quest only worked in BfA zones.
Some ppl say that the only requirement now is to be lvl 70, but i doudbt it works. Blizzrd support just also sent an automatic reply regarding this.
Ehh, sad
I can confirm this. Noticed other people bringing this up. If you complete the Alliance/Horde Slayer, you do not get the title.
Might be connected to the Nzoth thing?
it could be. I rly wish they fix it already. This bug is here somewhat around 2 years now.
They also patched N zoth thing for Shadowlands(you cant get it here anymore) , but forgot to patch it for BFA so you`re not even able to get this quest :DD
I will test it with lvl 70 char and update this topic
It used to be that you did not get credit for the kill of the same character more than 1 time per 10 minute period. Can’t remember if it was account wide also. You will still get HK and honor, but it doesn’t count towards the assassin quest to pop.
During the second part when you have to kill 10 of your own faction you will be able to see a 10 minute debuff on any killed player preventing you from getting credit for a new kill within that time period. So maybe try and get some friends together and see if you can help each other maybe.
It looks like it’s unobtainable, the achievement is a FoS.
i guess since n’zoth is dead its no longer a thing
Until he’s not.
do u need to be 60 to get the quest or can it be done in level 10+ ?
good luck meeting me in 10 years with returning of old god n’zoth xD
They’ve been hinting old god/void end for a number of expansion. we have some void stuff in this one (i think). hopefully it’ll be next expansion.
With out spoiling the story we found out a certain event in the past was connected to the old gods. Not exactly a shock… classic blizzard.
there is a old god hideing under dragon isle
cant u guys not smell it ?
thats strange, cause there was no patchnotes about removing this feature
man i wish more old gods stuff , but tbh with you their focus should be less on old gods and more on void lords , similar how in legion focus was on sargeras and argus and abit less on demons themselves
tho if you look carefully on wow chronicles first page you will find out 5 old gods , one of them in roots and he looks like cthulu from lovecraft , my guess hes old god of decay which make sense in bfa they hinted at the decay magic people with masks i forgot their name and they show up in ardenwealed and they show decay magic with gnools and new n’zoth whisper too speaking about root and deep earth
if my guess is correct , blizzard want us first to kill all old gods then we meet them in void expansion , tho my guts telling me next expansion will be about emerald nightmare / emerald dream
i hope youre right about the old god. And also agreed on all these void stuff. They should bring more things like that however, i do hope that we wont get emerald dream expac. We
ve seen way too much from it tbh.
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