Guild Name: Blood Howl
Contacts: Yorah
Estimated numbers: 3-5
Dates for pre-events: depends
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Neutral
Guild Name: Vanguard of the Light
Contacts: Haarm Pearson (OOC: Holymane, Horde)
Estimated numbers: 5-10
Dates for pre-events: So far looks like anything goes, but no one knows what’ll happen tomorrow
Argent Crusade is always ready.
It’s great to see another campaign coming, last one was a blast!
Signing up an individual OC of mine along my Main.
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Horde
Guild Name: -
Contacts: Crimsonflame, Illuriel, Mido#2747
Estimated numbers: 1, individual
Dates for pre-events: Any date is fine
I’m signing up an individual OC.
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Horde
Guild Name: (Skyguard Alt, not in the skyguard IC)
Contacts: Irivere
Estimated numbers: 1, individual
Dates for pre-events: Flexible, I’m already attending on my main so it’ll be less of a priority for this character to attend.
All above have been signed up!
Signing up as an individual if that’s cool
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Alliance
Guild Name: -
Contacts: Beans
Estimated numbers: 1, individual
Dates for pre-events: The Knights of the Silver Hand are always available
Signing up as an individual. Hopefully that’s ok
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Alliance
Guild Name: -None-
Contacts: Johnralin
Dates for pre-events: A brawler never misses a fight! He will be there.
Both added to the attendee list!
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Horde
Guild Name: The Reviled Regiment
Contacts: Dreadflare, Silyse
Estimated numbers: Two
Dates for pre-events: 4th-8th
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Nature. Neutral. She dislikes both sides, but will blend in the hunting parties until the Demon invasion subsides.
Guild Name: The birds, the flowers, the vines, the stars, the moonstones, the winds, the typhoons, the cyclones, the life-giving sun, the moonkin tribes, the furbolg tribes… Nature’s guild is everywhere!
Contacts: You can contact me.
Estimated numbers: Just me. And you. You are coming, right?
Dates for pre-events: Normally any day works unless something comes up. Happy to help if your DMs go missing.
Both signed up!
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Neutral
Guild Name: None
Contacts: You can message me
Estimated numbers: 1
Dates for pre-events: All of them
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Horde/Neutral
Guild Name:None
Contacts: Can just send me a mail ingame
Estimated Numbers:1
Dates for Pre-events: All of them
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Horde
Guild Name: Spiritwood Tribe
Contacts: Truun
Estimated numbers: 1-6
Dates for pre-events: Any date except april 5th
Signing up an individual as well (Truun is my main)
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Horde/Neutral
Guild Name: None
Contacts: Aslon
Estimated numbers: 1, individual
Dates for pre-events: Any date except april 5th
Signing up for a friend who doesn’t have forum account as well!
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Neutral/Horde
Guild Name: -
Contacts: Dawnflight, Tiravelle
Estimated numbers: 2
Dates for pre-events: Flexible
Well we can’t very well let the Broken Isles go up in flame, can we now. Signing up as an individual.
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Horde
Guild Name: -
Contacts: Illusoire
Estimated numbers: 1
Dates for pre-events: No immediate preference.
This Orc adventurer would deffo be up for it!
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Horde
Guild Name: None
Contacts: Killgore
Estimated numbers: 1, individual
Dates for pre-events: No preferences.
The more the merrier!
Horde/Alliance/Neutral: Horde
Guild Name: The Frozen Paw Clan
Contacts: Rogmasha (WorriesDK#2020 on Discord, Worries#21545 BTag), Overhaul (Vivian)
Estimated numbers: 5-8
Dates for pre-events: No preferences!
All listed above have been signed up on the list! You can join the discord community!