The Return of the Damned: The Legions’ Legacy
Quick Information
Campaign Dates
Pre-campaign event period: Friday April 1st - Friday April 8th
Arrival date: Saturday 9th April.
Campaign start: Sunday 10th April
Campaign Finale: Saturday 16th April
A Medal Ceremony: Saturday 23rd April
Campaign Location
- Dalaran City - Legion edition as a base
- Broken Isles for events
How to Sign up
Leave a message on this forum with the following information filled out:Horde/Alliance/Neutral:
Guild Name:
Estimated numbers:
Dates for pre-events:
Campaign Discord
Legion's Legacy DiscordThe toll of a great brass bell reverberated through the empty cavernous hall of the Ingress, its sound amplified by the arched and metal lined crenellations, vibrating monelite girders supporting racks of dim green lanterns which cast a gaunt industrial glow across the chamber. Dust rained down from the ancient ceiling, settling on the chemically stained floor, adding a strange blot of colour to the otherwise monotonous themed flagstones.
The bulkhead door to the outer courtyards of the supper spire crunched open with a grinding sound, as the robed figure manning the control had been given the all clear to unlock it. Dirty steam vented from the hydraulic hinges on either side like an exhaust from a smokestack, pulling the colossal reinforced doors apart. Through the aperture stepped five figures, clad in a variety of armour from heavy armour to filthy robes, their countenance hidden in the forlorn dimly lit room.
At the far end of the hall ‘the engineer’ hung suspended over a monolithic mound of alien technology, manipulating the feeds from the hundreds of arcane screens and terminals that descended from the roof in a haphazard manner. From here the engineer was able to connect remotely to each carefully scavenged legion cogitator board running in the schematic, micro-managing the output of power necessary to reignite the foreign technology.
“Apprentice Rhopi” he spoke, having seen the approach of the apprentice from the side of the room.
“Why do you disturb me at this time, so close to going live, output of power has fallen seven percent in the left sphere, I trust it is urgent?”
“Indeed it is sir,” growled back Rhopi, side eyeing the collection of robed figures who waited in the background in a thick wave of nauseating pressure. “If we are to go live with our current output-”
“What is the hold up? We do not have time for this to be pushed back any further Engineer Duskrunner. I trust you stuck to your word and that this is ready to be tested?” A strong vibrato voice interrupted from the back of the room from one of the robed figures. Sweat poured down the back of Engineer Duskrunner and Rhopi alike, exchanging fast glances.
“Not at all - we are ready to go ahead. Rhopi, prepare to release the reaction core.” The engineer gestured to the station back in the shadows of the room. Rhopi followed the gesture and swallowed back dryly, his voice dropping to a spitting remark “Your maths is wrong Duskrunner, sir-”
Engineer Duskrunner visibly recoiled from his device, restraining his shaking hand, only to show his guests all was well. “Keep this quiet Rhopi, you must be mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the maths, now release the reaction core. My maths is absolute.”
A leather hand clasps onto Engineer Duskrunner’s shoulder digging taloned nails into the flesh beneath his shirt, causing the Engineer to jump, head sharply raising. “You best hope your maths is right Duskrunner, should your test fail I will have no issue with skinning you where you stand and turning you into a rug. You’d not want that would you?”
The voice was like a snake slithering into his ear, hissing with the stench of copper permeating with each foetid exhale. Fear travelled up his spine as he nodded in compliance, the hand slowly relaxing on his shoulder and relinquishing him to his work.
“A-activating test protocol AZ-5” Buttons pressed down and the signals fired through the wires up into the machine that hung limp from hydraulic pumps and wires. A large sphere sparked into life engulfing the room in a blinding emerald hue in spite of the distance between them and the test subject. Fulgurating alarms began to blare from the control system, Rhopi looked up in alarm yelling but his words were drowned by the sudden explosion.
Fire engulfed the surrounding area, a force explosion hurling three thousand metres into the sky in a flash that ignited the sky like someone had flicked a switch on then off. As the flash dissipated and smoke cleared, dust rained down over a pile of broken wires inside of an impact crater.
The impact of that explosion could be felt across the Broken Isles from a subdued rumble to a gush of stagnated, almost rotting egg scented air. Shards of light cut across the skies of Azeroth hurtling to the ground in a scattered release - many falling in the Broken Isles itself. However, from across the waters in the rusted lands of Kalimdor and the cold eastern kingdoms, sparks of light made contact and it would not be long before many people would be dragged into finding out what.
Hello Argent Dawn, we are proud to make the announcement that the Return of the Damned’s new campaign is now in full swing and ready for your sign ups. In this section you will find all the out of character information pertaining to the campaign that will be updated as time goes on predating the campaign and during its running.
This campaign is based around the storyline of opportunists who have banded together to harbour and reuse Legion technology to attack and destroy parts of Azeroth. Yet their actions have gained the attention of high command in both factions and between, sending forces to work together to find out what exactly these new enemies of their home are up to. In a new style where our players will influence the storyline we are telling and the outcome of the campaign, we invite you to come and spend a week with us in the first Return of the Damned’s cross-faction hub. Here you will need to work with each other to ensure the plans of our enemies are put an end before they can cause serious harm in a race across the Broken Isles. Can you stop the enemy getting the resources they need? Join us this April to find out!
The Campaign will be started off with introductory events ran by the Co-hosts and their DM team, where your guild is invited to dip their toes into the campaign story before the campaign begins! The event will last one evening and is designed to give you the answer to that important question “Why are we interested?” and “Why should we go?”
The dates for the pre-campaign expand from Friday April 1st - Friday April 8th. If your guild attends one of these events you will be given a leg up on the campaign with a solid reasoning for your attendance as well as a chance to work one on one with a guild you might not have worked with before!
Guilds who are signing up are being asked to include the optimal dates that suit them for the pre-campaign events, though we understand this may need to be added as time gets closer to the campaign. With the dates known you can expect to be poked by your designated Dungeon Master for more information.
What factions can attend?
The campaign is running as a cross-faction story with Horde and Alliance events led retrospectively with the option for cross-faction events being hosted by Raevana and the DM teams . Neutral guilds are more than welcome to attend, we are using a neutral city and so there will be plenty of RP to be had in camp down time as well, however there is not always a guarantee that every day will have a cross-faction event offered. In these cases we encourage neutral guilds to attend their faction events based on their race they've chosen.Can individuals sign up?
Absoloutely! Just sign up using the same method as a guild and mention you are not connected to a guild.Is there RP-PvP?
There will be no planned RP-PVP nor PVE based fighting in this campaign, though tensions are sure to run high depending on your characters opinion of the people they are sharing Dalaran with. If you wish to organise your own RP-PVP, it will be done off your own backs and not supplied as a staple for the campaign.Where is the campaign based?
The campaign's storyboard will start with the precampaign taking place in Azeroth and centering into the Broken isles for the campaign itself. We will be making use of Dalaran in the Legion Phase for the days we are at the campaign.What restrictions are there to using Dalaran?
As you may be aware, Dalaran is part of an active community, and have been kind enough and excited enough to work us into being there. During our time there, everyone will be placed in their faction enclaves for their barracks and our meetings will operate in the Tower of Guardians. During down time, you are welcomed to visit the streets and integrate around the shops/visit the shops, but are asked to be respectful to people not part of the campaign. Not all of them will want to be involved and may wish to be left alone. Anyone reported for harassing people will be made to leave the campaign, our aim is to forge amazing RP here, not to take away from it.Dalaran community server Locations
OOC Location: Agronomical Apothecary
IC Service/Store: Raven’s Petals and Potions
OOC Location: Arsenal Absolute
IC Service/Store: Curious Commerce
OOC Location: Bakery Stall
IC Service/Store: Wildhaven‘s
OOC Location: Barbershop
IC Service/Store: Cal‘s Barbery
OOC Location: Cartier & Co. Fine Jewellery
IC Service/Store: Misty‘s Leatherworks
OOC Location: Curiosities & Moore
IC Service/Store: Star’s Light
OOC Location: Dalaran Visitor Center
IC Service/Store: Scholars Shelter
OOC Location: Greenhouse
IC Service/Store: Adi‘s and Mari‘s Flowers
OOC Location: Hall of the Guardian, left side
IC Service/Store: Agency Office
OOC Location: Hall of the Guardian, right side
IC Service/Store: Chapel of Holy Light
OOC Location: Hunter‘s Reach
IC Service/Store: Fallowstag
OOC Location: Legerdemain Lounge
IC Service/Store: Legerdemain Lounge Crew
OOC Location: Like Clockwork
IC Service/Store: Hangman‘s Curios
**OOC Location:**Magical Menagerie
IC Service/Store: Claws, Fangs and Cuddles
OOC Location: Militant Mystic
IC Service/Store: Hummingbird Emporium
OOC Location: Obliterium Anvil
IC Service/Store: A Sorcerors Armory
OOC Location: One More Glass
IC Service/Store: Theral‘s Delicacies
OOC Location: Photonic Playground
IC Service/Store: Crescent Constellation