Server Event: Southshore Vs Tarren Mill Sunday 5PM

In 21 hours we’ll have our first Server event Southshore VS Tarren Mill this is open to everyone on the server regardless of level, don’t think you are to low level as I’m sure there is someone lower than you on the opposition faction.

We recommend you get the flight path for either Southshore if you are Alliance or Tarren Mill if you are Horde so you can fly in for the event. Do not expect warlocks to summon you this isn’t retail and each summon costs a soul shard.

We are looking for a couple of people to lead the Horde side message me on discord if you would like to do that.

The plan is to all meet up in town and at 5PM Charge towards the tower (we all know the tower :D) and fight there and then see if one of the factions can push the other faction back into their town and take over one of the towns.

Hopefully we all have a fun time take lots of pictures and layering doesn’t screw it over.

Looking forward to seeing you all there and swing by the Server discord if you aren’t already a member
