There’s no point in writing to support, because they employ monkeys who thoughtlessly click on ready-made answers, no matter what you write to them. You’ll only get advice that they post on their websites and tell you to do the same things over and over again - restart the router, unplug it, flush DNS, etc. If you say you’ve done that and it doesn’t work, they’ll tell you to turn off the router anyway…
How is it that on unofficial WoW servers you can play normally, and on official ones you can’t.
Logged in just now from a buddy’s place in Slovenia to a 355 world ms, we were just playing rocket league 30 minutes ago with 20 ping on both of us. My home ms is 24.
And i repeat this for 1000th time, this has been happening since february of 2024. Ever since s4 of DF.
At this point ive tried changing my isp twice, changing my location entirely to a different country, changing PCs entirely, changing from wifi to cable and back, even phone tethering. The problem persists cause some route is just outright broken and blizzard either refuses to acknowledge the problem and pretends it isnt there, or outright just cannot fix it. Evenings ever since like 6pm to 10 pm are completely unplayable, if you have the same exact issue i suggest highly to either not play at all or just not login on the said hours, cause in the late evenings my ping normalises and goes to its default of 20/20.
I live in Poland at my place today drama at start 121 ms after a while 10000. never like this. You are right, you need to stop playing and paying for a service that does not work.
Same here, random spikes to 1500 ms. Mostly on a german node and this one:
. Lots people have been having this issue for the last 6 months, but it wasn’t addressed ONCE - not even a “we know” comment on it. It’s actually insane how bad Blizz CS / support is when compared to basically any other service out there. F2P games fix their stuff in hours after being notified of an issue, Blizz hasn’t done anything within a few months. Absurd.
Ever since the Patch 11.0,5 I am experiencing some king of server lag but it does not show as an increase in latency.
I can just feel it in the game, especially when I am casting.
Unfortunately i bought 60 days prepaid, before 11.0.5 patch. Game right now is unplayable, taking break from wow now…
This is what has been happening to me for about a month already.
At about 8PM lag strikes, and the game becomes so unplayable that I’m inside the server but nobody is moving, can’t cast, can’t speak to any NPC, and usually after 10 PM everything goes back to normal.
Tried other videogames during this time and nothing happens. I also noticed bad connection while on Discord during these hours.
Did you find any fix for this?
Only wow lags for me, in these times, what i do is just dont play wow lmao, i just go play rocket league /cs with irl buddies of mine for about 3 hours and then we go play some arena in wow when we are tired of rl/cs if we are in a mood for that. discord has been stable for thro everything so far so idk if we have the “same” issue if your discord lags out. do a winmtr check when your lag starts, see if its just blizzard or everything first.
I honestly cant imagine being a raider/m+ player with this issue, this is primetime for pugging m+ or raiding in general. its mindboggling knowing blizzard doesnt even acknowledge the problem… I guess thats the sad reality of EU bnet customers / community, they pretend we dont exist xdd
Same started happening to me since around 11.0.5 release time. If it’s not to blame then it’s a hell of a coincidence.
Game unplayable for 2-3 Weeks already now. I am kinda desperate because I had to stop my rated pvp career and it also feels bad to grief my friends in M+ and raiding is impossible.
Best description:
Mob is about to cast a frontal with a casttime of 2s.
First nothing and then suddenly there is a 1,9/2 frontal cast on my screen and I am dead.
My MS shows <20 Ingame but when i connect through mobile (that sadly very bad connection in the middle of switzerland biggest city lul) i have 200ms and still feels better to play.
I am on ethernet, tried different cables, tried the wifi, ddu and reinstall drivers, completltey wipe computer and reset everything blabla, reinstall game blabla
my provider is Yallo Switzerland
My man i have EXACTLY the same stuff this entire week - patch 11.0.5 introduction logged to the game with 120-140 then jumping to several K and im giving up playing at all
im on argent dawn eu, i just came back 1 week ago after a year hiatus, and the lag is making it horrible to do anything. even riding a mount it takes ages to register me flying up. im from the uk, i hope this gets fixed. i tried on a different server and i also had the same thing. i’ve never had lag like this before on here
Yep, same here. Unplayable in the evenings because normal latenc (20ms) goes to 100ms latency, and there are 1-3 second lag spikes where nothing happens when i try to interuppt a spell. The fact that Blizzard hasn’t said anything is extremely worrying. I cancelled my subscription and will only continue it if this gets fixed.
I bought a VPN subscription and then the latency went back to 20ms, but there are still these lag spikes, so it HAS to be the game or the servers that Blizzard use…
I was on Argent Dawn EU in Dragonflight but had to move servers when the pre-patch arrived because there was these stutters/frametime spikes. So I moved to Twisting Nether and it was fine. But now this high latency/server lag is on every servers (tested like 10+ servers and same problem on all of them).
It’s sad. I started playing in vanilla and have enjoyed the game so far, but if this is not gonna get fixed, it’s where i quit.
same here brother
Just had a BG that was so bad it was completely unplayable. Server so overloaded it was processing something like 1 tick every 10 seconds.
You can’t take money for that sort of performance.
I must’ve been in that same BG lol.
Worst lag in an epic BG that I have ever experienced.
Also huge lag in Stormwind. Less so in Dornogal but it’s still there and still very disconcerting to press a button and have nothing happen even though both your framerate and ping are good.
Even getting this ‘interaction lag’ with mail and banks.
The foundations of the codebase are creaking.
Same here. It makes me wonder if Argent Dawn is being particularly hard hit because of its high population and RP realm non-sharding system (which I wholly support, by the way: Blizz, please don’t change the RP non-sharding to fix the lag problem; we need both)
I’m having massive overworld lag in Khaz Algar. Doing a tracert I get everything under 5ms until the second it reaches the Blizzard server, then it jumps into the HUNDREDS of ms.
I have similar issues, has been happening since DF really.
In my case in game latency in a constant ~25ms, no spikes in latency or in FPS, but there is random massive delay in the game.
Delay seems to be strongly corelated to number of other players in the zone. When I level new character in low pop zones everything is pretty smooth. But as soon as I enter current expansion zones problems start.
My original server is Dreanor which is marked as full on server list.
I even created new character on a low pop server - Xavius, I hit level 80 few days ago and on that character everything seems to be fine.
On my main server, today is the worst day of the expansion. Massive lags when I am trying to perform basic actions, like summoning mount, picking up loot, fighting monsters, using AH or looking at patron orders etc… It is completely unplayable, it is like that on every Dreanor character I tested so far. I have bad delay, while in-game latency indicator shows constant 25ms.
Meanwhile on my new character on Xavius server everything looks ok, no delay, everything is smooth.
I created this char as copy of my main, it is the same spec, the same professions, using the same addons and WeakAuras.
I did not have a chance to test instanced content yet, but I expect it to be exactly the same - laggy on Dreanor and fine on Xavius.
It is very clear to me, that issue is in their servers, they just cannot handle the load.
After testing instanced content I am going to apply for full server transfer of all of my characters.
If they refuse, I will apply for full refund of TWW expansion as well as for game time, as currently game is completely unplayable for me.
And yet again, just as it is scripted around this time every single day the ping starts spiking for me, and 2 other friends of mine (we are all in different countries with different ISPs).