Server lag

Trollbane EU is lagging massively rn. It’s not even possible to join a group or pick up herbs. It’s showing 29 ping but that’s obviously not true. Just say something in /s and it won’t show up until after a long time. Wth???

Server lag is not the same as connection latency. Unfortunately server lag seems to have been an issue since the latest patch. Deleting rogues should solve it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve noticed it’s worse in some zones than others. For example; Swamp Of Sorrows - absolutely unplayable. Mulgore = no problems at all.

Also lagging in blitz and shuffle today, ms and fps look normal but can see abilities are not firing on press, theres small delays random.

i had those too :face_exhaling: .maybe its time they take a season and fix things and bugs .a girl can dream

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Same for me. Last night I had up 4kms in bg and at one stage had 27k ms and I could not move or do anything. According to the tech forums bizz is blaming our ISPs.

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Servers still struggling - DCed when mounting a ram for world quest this morning, and I’m even getting lag when I summon Darkglare, which I don’t think I’ve seen before though tbh haven’t played my Warlock much this expansion.

You just came up with a cool name.

Seems rather inconsistent. I’ve yet to find a clear pattern. Swamp Of Sorrows is by far the most laggy zone thus far, and it’s basically empty, while Tanaris, with over a hundred people, is fine…

Not enough people there?

Entirely possible it’s a routing issue but they’d have to come up with where the issue is.

Was it… never mind, none of my business.

I see it more like a philosophy