Server list for EU?

So we can see that NA has four servers. I would like to coordinate with my guild and real life friends on where to roll. In MENA do we need to wait until release to see the servers or…?

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Yes we have to wait till release


Easy. We will have also in EU 4 servers:
1 PvE server
1 RP-PvP server
2 PvP server.
Only if you go PvP you have problem. And you then can just agree to take alphabetical first or last server.

Is it just one PvP server?

2 PvP ervers, as I say. They expect almos all to like PvP; So 2 of those , one PR-PvP, only one PvE and no RP-PvE servers.

Layers will be many, I think.

I don’t know about the many layers part because on the blue post they mention that have increased the player capacity on the servers but we will see.

I have to be honest since i now know that there will be 1 RP server i am now interested in SoD.

Unfortunately only RP-PvP.

I don’t mind.
I’m one that when life gives me lemons i make lemonade.

Some people like to whine for the sake of whining. What is there to coordinate? Servers launch, you ping server name on discord. Thats it.
This is a chad move from blizz to avoid everyone to roll on the same server. Its one thing among friends, but people cant hold themselves and decide to make one megaserver, and once one server gains more popularity then other EVERYONE want to go to that one and label the other server “dead” before it even launched.

There’s a saying that individual person is smart, but people in mass are a flock of sheep

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Im happy for RP-PVP, god knows im not great RP anymore, but i wouldnt mind to join some military based guild and wipe alliance here and there with my /moo warrior

Anybody else rolling on the PVE server?

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I am for sure :smiley: There seems to be more interest than usual for PvE servers this time around. I guess that we have Ashenvale to thank for that!

Seems I was one wrong.
2 PvP :ballot_box_with_check:
1 PvE :ballot_box_with_check:
1 RP-PvP :ballot_box_with_check:
And the surprise
1 RP server.
Gz! to all wanted this!

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