Server Merger gone Badly wrong in EU - Different Langauge servers merged

That reminded me - in one of those “How dumb are people?” videos on YouTube, the interviewer asked a college student “What language do you speak?” and got the answer “I don’t speak any language”. :rofl:

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This is the Headless Horsemans event I believe.

I think so too, but It’s the first time I’ve noticed there’s an “Event” difficulty!

I have tried so many times to play my horde characters on Al’akir, i was so happy when they merged with a more populated realm. Cause Al’akir/Skullcrusher/Xavius was so dead, but with this outcome, i wish we could turn back the time.

This is unplayable now, except the guild, it feels like you play a single player game. You have to turn of the general/trade chat cause of the spam of polish language comments. This is sutch a major fail of Blizzard it’s hard to understand how they can be this stupid to merge a fully english spoken realm cluster with a 100% polish speaking realm…

Complete fail Blizzard!


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