Server Merger gone Badly wrong in EU - Different Langauge servers merged

Some Screen captures of /1 and /2 in City today October 25th.

I’ve returned to playing for pre-patch and have noticed a server merger has occured between different Langauge servers…

Having raised this issue in game, the very polite reply was that for Customer Service point of view nothing can be done.

I would like to highlight the issue here, tiny English speaking servers (Al Akir / Skullcrusher / Xavius) merged with a huge Polish speaking server (Burning Legion) has not worked.

I cannot understand /1 or /2 any longer as it’s in Polish, getting groups, pugs and raids are also tricky to difficult, and also those advertising for such groups in Polish will not get replies from English speakers as we don’t understand.

I would suggest:

De-merge Al Akir / Skullcrusher / Xavius from Burning Legion
Merge Al Akir / Skullcrusher / Xavius to another cluster of English speaking realms.

Come on Blizzard, please have a look into this, it’s just not fair to expect us to pay € / £ x 100 to move our characters to be able to understand global channels.


The images:

It’s a problem. Does it make a server “unplayable”? That’s arguable. But I knew someone who was trapped in this way, and who felt their only option, in the end, was to transfer.

Bro I have a fix for that, reroll Alliance

You keep your server and you don’t have to listen to Polish + you get to go to war with Polska which I bet my Polish brethren will get a kick out of

I’m pretty sure the Americans have problems with the concept of different languages and if you don’t speak English then you must be from some third world country that has no Internet.

A Samual Jackson quote from Pulp Fiction comes to mind, but I’d probably be banned for using it.

I’m not keen on spending money for a problem that Blizzard made via server merger. I don’t wish our Polish brothers and sisters any ill will, I just can’t speak Polish thus I’d prefer to de-merge.

Hey, this is just about Blizzard not being sensitive to the needs of the Burning Legion server community and the needs of the English speaking community. We want the same things, just to be able to enjoy the game and chat as we see fit.

The crux of the issue is that this makes the server not viable to recruit guildies or join a guild…which if you’re a raider is quite critical. These aren’t doctored images, this is average for trade (less boosting adverts).

If my realm was linked with a foreign language realm I would demand that all my characters were transferred for free to another realm.


Bliztard never stops surprising me…

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Dunno if its a server-merge thing, but I noticed there are a lot of french “parlez vouz” “baguette” “oui oui” talkers in Silvermoon general chat.

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The problem is that it’s an ‘English’ realm. I’m afraid I can’t see them ‘de-merging’ as you put it. We had hoped more realms would be added in, bolstering the English speaking population.

The programme seems to have stopped and we don’t know if it’s over or whether it will start up again.

You could wait it out and see if things improve or start over on an other realm. Either via transfer or simply taking advantage of the new faster levelling.

they should split draenor. all chars younger than 2015-6-7 get yeeted to some low-pop horde shard. mixing many small realms does nothing

Fortunately Blizzard won’t do anything as daft as that.


They did something similar with a server I used to play on during MoP called Grim Batol, they somehow thought it was a good idea to merge it with Aggra which was a Portuguese server and after the merger people got annoyed for not speaking English/Portuguese.

6 years after the fact it still hasn’t been reverted, most English players migrated away from the server due to it.

technically BL is not Polish server thoght - much better polish community is on Draenor/Silvermoon

BL is like "red neck " server in eyes of polish community - filled with hillbillys and people who behave like 12 year olds

thats the reason that server is known as “burning onion” in polish community for years now - nobody sane plays there -_-

and if peopledidnt whine like 5 year olds that would be most likely the outcome

but since people whined they most likely abandoned this plan

This happened because blizzard doesn’t know their own server population and who plays where.

They are very disconnected from the game.


It is as if they want players to leave the game…

“Dungeon Difficulty set to Event.” :open_mouth:
2nd panel on the left

blizzard is an american company. americans think they have freedom and the rest of the world is the same 3rd world country. im not sure they even know the existence of language.