Server Shutdowns and restarts

I get kicked out of the game saying there’s no servers up but when I check on wow servers etc. nothing indicating anything…

this is the second time in 2 days…


me too I cant connect

Back in time Blizzard wrote when Servers would be expected to be up again - Would be very nice if they could do that again - and if they do, then it would be nice to know where to find it…
This is friday morning, and suddenly the 15 Minutes shutdown message appears - kinda annoying sitting here waiting for the servers up again… (now waiting for 20 Minutes)

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Same iusse here. Dungeon had just popped and I got kicked to menu with the same error code.

yeah same issue. When i looked server status, servers are offline…

Just closed the game to eat , and now cant login , what is happening?

They did write when the servers are expected back up. Quite clearly.

“We will be performing scheduled maintainence on Friday 11th October, 03:00CEST, and we expect the service to be available again at approximately 04:00CEST. During this time the game will be unavailable for play.”

I really don’t know how much clearer they can be.

Hey all,

We had a quick maintenance last night, announced by our breaking news.

As a reminder, if the language of your BattleNet app is set to English (US), you will only see notifications for US servers (which wouldn’t be very useful to you, unless you play in both regions).

Please check that your desktop app is set to English (UK) to make sure that you see notifications for EU servers.


As a quick update, we are aware of a bug where the breaking news will not show up in-game (on the character selection screen), unless you go “Back” to the login screen when you’re logged in, and log back in to the character selection screen (which should now display the breaking news there).

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