Server transfers to mega-servers will ruin economy

Assuming absolutely most people will move to new “mega-servers”, some will just stay on old, and farm resources or rare mobs almost without competition, then transfer them to mega realm. Yes, in-game economy is a part of this game, and if blizzard will open transfers without shutdown of old realms, it will completely ruin economy and resources farming on new server, because they will be much easier to farm on old closed realms.

Yes, i know that sod economy is already changed a lot compared to classic, because of increased drop rates, its ok. But allowing to transfer resources from closed realms is not how it should work.

And especially we will see it at AQ gates opening (blizzard will probably decrease number of silithid fragments needed for it but it will still be a lot of grind), and just transfering those silithid fragments from old servers will probably be a gamechanger.

So, i think blizzard should delete servers after merging to avoid this abuse, or block entering to game world with only an option to transfer.


I’m already playing on a mega Server called Wild Growth.

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Its already ruined by bots lol. Stop complaining about it.
Nobody cares about people playing on dead realms.


Will be forced switch over shortly, they wont keep everything running. Initially will be a choice, but this is the start of closing old servers.

merging all the servers would be a better option by far.
this hassle of getting everyone to transfer, emptying mail boxes and playing inventory tetris, having your name stolen and forced to change, making a new guild etc. is all just a headache that players now have to suffer because blizzard makes poor decisions once again.

i don’t care about my server or the fact i’ll be forced to play on a mega server if i want to avoid the potential dead server, which WILL happen to the old servers due to them being locked while blizzard allows transfers off them, but i could really do without all this other BS that i now have to do.

i hope it comes as no surprise to the andies that decide not to transfer when given the chance that their server dies and potentially ends up having the transfers out of it locked for some reason.

this is blizzard we are dealing with here, keep that in mind.
i would not be surprised if they somehow end up locking people who choose not to move up on a dead server.

they’ll see the traffic coming into the mega servers, go “oh that’s a bit too many, lets lock it” or something omega predictable like that, and then the chaos ensues.

They said in blue post that those servers will be locked for NEW players, but still will be active until SoD ends.

Yes and some day there will be Population close to zero and then blizz will make forced transfer / forced realm merge.


Do you think people will stay on locked realms? Huh.
This is not a payed transfer, everyone who will stay on old realms will suffer from a lack of players very soon.

Yes, resource farmers will stay, my post is about this and that it is unhealthy for game economy.

Less players = less layers. competition will always be about the same no matter how empty or full a realm is

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We have 1-3 layers now on most realms, and probably later will have always 1 (maybe 2-3 on mega realm), and 3 “old” game worlds are 3 extra free layers, thats summary will be probably the same as on mega realm, but competition will be significantly lower because most of the people move.

Yes maybe, but who cares if some ppl stay on a dead realm just to have less competition one day?
Only a fool would stay behind on this economical purpose, These ppl miss more things out than they could ever profit from the less competition.

these people are mostly gold sellers and dont care about things other then farm

Doomsayers everywhere

the economy got absolutely ran over with the real vendor and the GIGABOOST to RTV arcane crystal drops`Preformatted text. I got 60 with close to 9k gold , could farm little more than 1k profit this phase due to nothing other than herbs being worth anything anymore. So , yeah just add everything to the real vendor so we can leave this old concept of gold behind.

yeah, this is my last phase. Won’t play any custom wow anymore.

Are we sure that they will do that AQ gates opening? Leaks have emerged about what’s waiting on the PTR and no such event was there and in game the gates are already opened.