Servers merge

Hi there!

WoW lately got into the point where everyone is happy with the way devs are opened and responsive to the players. The game clearly become a better place that it was in Shadowlands or BfA. But one thing is still remain untouched for past 3-4 years - Servers merging. I believe that no language tabs are exclusion: there are 2-3 giant realms that overpopulated and there are 5-10 more realms that has absolutely no players online. My server used to be top 3 populated server in my language tab and top 1 server populated by the time-zone. Now there is only 2 guilds who went to mythic VotI, only 3 guilds being able to kill Razhaget in Heroic mode.

With the new season came out there are only 5 guilds on my realm who went to Aberrus normal mode. 2 of them had to take pugs as they had 6-7 players only. Same 2 guilds started heroic mode.

With the new cross-faction guild feature that should have been the light at the end of the tonnel, but my realm is 90% hordish and remain Allys are either key runners or RPs. So this aint helping at all.

There are 2 ways to fix this:

  1. An obvious one: I have to transfer my guild to more populated realm. Easy to say. I’ve been through 3 guild tranfers and there are a lot of valuable players who got lost while its been occured. Plus when you played with your team for 5-10 years you happen to have army of alts, especially when professions are that important. And on top of that guildmaster’s transfer costs even more. I’ve paid enough for that. And I dont want to lose people again.
  2. Finish the project of merging servers that Blizzes started many years before and left unfinished. Some luckiest realms got 4-7 servers merged together, their population got into Medium. My server has no connections yet.
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LMAO you are funny :smiley: Thanks for making me laugh, I needed that today



Or free transfers for dead servers. My server used to be decently populated with a near perfect 50/50 A/H ratio (the reason I chose it) but it’s been dead for years.

I agree, that is much easier for Devs to perform rather than technically link realms to each other. But the downside of this is Nicknames or Guildnames might be occupied. Not the end of the world but a bit dissapointing tho.

Yet I would hombely accepted a free transfer for me and my guild :3

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