Set bonus for frosmage

Will i be forced to play GS now with the new set bonus there is no choice for people who dont play or dont want to play GS. Sofar in DF i never used GS build i only do m+ with maybe 1 raid with my guild for AOTC. My Build sofar always outdps’d any frostmage i played with in overall dmg in m+ even if thy where a few ilvl higher then me. I really really really dislike to play GS.

Sadly, yes.

Not trying to talk bad about the other Frost mages in said Keys, but if that’s the case right now, then they pretty much didn’t play the GS Shatter all that well, by using stuff like Ice Nova or using Flurry on 2 different targets.

I mean i ain’t THE BEST Frost Mage either, but with the Tier Set there is no way for a Frost Mage to don’t go bonkers with the GS.

Play without set…. Its a Blizzard product…

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