Set bonus for shadow pvp

Well, what a joke.
2-set bonus for an increase to Mind Blast damage, which barely only contributes to about 3% of total dmg with or without the bonus.
4-set bonus for auspicious spirits, which is just a waste to spend talents on for pvp.

We’ve had this bonus for 2 seasons now?
How is this possible? :smiley:

In the season we first had it they actually nerfed the proc chance of shadowy insight.

We’re already at double DR on haste and versa so getting some crit and or mastery to get bonus damage from a set bonus is probably better than nothing

Ghost proc isn’t bad at all, if you play with the talent that increase the dmg byv150%it’s decent dmg (saw 68k ghost).

Mind blast is awful but tbh it’s free insanity and proc often if you can triple dot, mind blast will never do dmg in pvp it’s nerfed by a huge amount.

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