Setbonus mistweaver

Hello, I figured i’d make a topic on this

I am very unimpressed with the bland design of 2 setbonus for mistweaver.

The 2set bonus to increase hot duration on essence font is a very poor designed set bonus. The hot doesn’t heal for much to begin with.
Furthermore, essence font as a spell is exclusively used in the raid.

In pvp / 5 man dungeons essence font sees little to no use so that setbonus will have no impact.

The 4set bonus spawns a circle around you that if you stand in it your get a little bit more healing.

The idea is ok, mistweaver is abit of a turret healer with soothing mist so having a stand still and healing empower circle is OK. Atleast that is something you react / play around.


Essence Font shines if you play without Mastery

Absolutely agree with your take, the Set Bonus brings nothing besides a bland healing output buff for Raid specific content. Mistweaver is not so underrepresented in M+ and PvP because of lack of healing output, but because it has nothing to provide outside of flat out healing. Tbh I expected a gamechanger set bonus like the Set Bonis for other healer classes. Mistweavers on other hand just got the 100th healing buff which we literally don’t need.

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