Sethrak for the Alliance

I feel like we were robbed. Instead of Mechagnomes we should have gotten Sethrak. I feel like they would have been a natural ediiton to the ranks of the Alliance after we rescued their leader from dying in Vol’dun. They look so cool and basically control the entire zone. Who else agrees with me? Does anyone else support playable Sethrak for the blue team? Cast your vote in now!


I support playable Sethrak!

Though I also appreciate Mechagnomes.

I’ve always liked the idea of Sethrak being split where the Devoted become Horde and a remnant of the Faithless flee to Stormwind seeking amnesty in return for supporting the Alliance.


Sethrak, Vrykul, Ogre, Furbolg, Saberon, Tuskarr, Arrakoa, as Core Playable Races, and All Classes for all Races, after 19 years it’s about time…


I wonder why it takes them SO long. In the end when you finally get to play the race you have been waiting for for so many years you do not really feel excited about it anymore because of the literal lustra that passed by.

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You’re a copycat.

This is a Horde character in Zuldazar. He is marked for pvp. If Sethrak chose a faction it would be the red team.

The Devoted for sure.

I see no reason why they can’t be a neutral race like the Pandaren where the remnants of the Faithless flee to Stormwind. :smiley:

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You want snek?

I can be snek.


You’re a dragon.

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