Severe lag on just one character


I have a problem with one of my characters since last week. I had an issue with all realms showing “not compatible” and resolved that through a fresh install of the bnet launcher as well as doing a repair for the client. So far so good. However, since then one of my characers is extremely laggy and barely playable.

My fps are great, my latency is great, however looting can take 3s+ and if I press an ability button, sometimes it registers instantly, sometimes it takes multiple seconds. Things i’ve tried so far:

  • another client repair
  • deactivating all addons
  • deleting the cache folder in the WoW Retail section
  • deleting the cache folder for
  • removing WTF and Interface folder
  • abandoning all quests in my quest log
  • changing zones in case it was zone specific

It’s been going on for over a week now and I don’t really know what else to do as I can find very little on this issue and tried the few things I found while searching.

Any help would be appreciated. This is on EU-Thrall Server, a character that I boosted with the TWW boost a few months back.

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I have the exactly same problem, with one toon
on my retail account

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Have you tried deleting your cache or add-on folder? Whilst a pain to setup UI, it may help.

Yes, as mentioned in my post I tried for example:

  • deleting the cache folder in the WoW Retail section
  • deleting the cache folder for
  • removing WTF and Interface folder

Soo, Zebrix i found out mine only start lagging when i enter a specific zone, then it keeps lagging untill i relog

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Which zone is that? My character is sitting in Redridge Mountains. Moving to the neighboring Swamp of Sorrows for example didn’t really change anything for me when I tried.

Did you change continent and does the zone that lags for you change or is it always the same?

For me relogging, restarting the PC and all the other methods I mentioned above didn’t fix it for me and I don’t leave the zone as i’m just sitting there with this alt for camping xmog reasons.

its where i start lagging aswell mate, those southeast zones are messing me up so bad

I thought the anniversary world bosses might be an issue here, but my other characters don’t have the same issue in the zone.

With the weekly reset the issue seems to be gone though, i’ll see if it resurfaces over the week.

Edit: Nevermind, the issue is back already. :frowning:

Edit 2: I tried different characters, most of them lag in Redridge Mountains and Swamp of Sorrows so it’s probably not character related but zone related


I have the same problem in Redridge Mountains.


Yeah, same here leveling a character in redridge atm. It’s as if nobody is reporting this or Blizzard asleep. It’s a zone problem. Insane lag but it’s gone as soon as I go back to Elwynn.

i have same problem on my main character in mechagon zone. Other chars seems be ok.

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