Speaking of “armour”
I need some civilian clothing.
The Venthyr outfit in 9.1 looks like some actual civilian clothes, I can’t wait to stick it on my Nightborne.
Exactly, so! Thank you! I keep forgetting you can add gifs in the forums now.
Its a good start, yeah.
But we need MORE.
Only if you have Trust level 3.
If this is bait by some offrealmer: I like it.
If this is your real opinion: I’m calling Alex Jones.
Can I just say the whole covid situation actively affected my roleplay? I tend to not get too close to other chars even when walking past, but when someone stands near by character during a conversation I’m instantly like:
We are not in America here where stupidity reigns. A friend of mine has a daughter, she’s currently 14. She’s playing on AD and is roleplaying relationships. Her father (my friend) taught her that there’s weirdos on the internet, to never do something dumb and always consider the consequences. He also taught her to not do anything sexual in roleplay. You should not teach children (and teenagers) why doing X thing is bad because “I say so”, they can be reasoned with and understand.
Overreacting as a parent is bad, teaching your children that X stuff exists and what to do is good. Meeting IRL an internet stranger for example is not cool.
Me, an actual intellectual: “the other person being a straight dude while you’re a straight dude is the perfect scenario because that means no weird OOC feelings (that’s a thing sadly) can happen and no drama either.”
The red and gold plate-looking boots will make a really good replacement for the blood elf heritage steel-toe-socks.
And you only get that by having 8.1k posts, right? Damn.
you actually don’t need to post much!
But its a lot of reading-- or rather scrolling through posts.
I will be fabulous.
I need nightborne sets and weapons as seen in Suramar to be drops or attainable for everyone. Not nightborne alone >:(
Also, what about those heritage weapons that ended up as not-available either.
Next he’s going to say it’s the chemicals in the water turning the frogs gay…
They’re not the only things not available, for some reason there’s loads of HD wrath and tbc weapons in the data files. Including recolours of that Lordaeron shield everyone and their dog used for yonks.
Me vibing @Hell as I am cast into eternal torment for /holdhands emote
dEsTRoY tHE cHiLd
cORrUpT tHEm aLl!
You mean… it’s not???
It is.
I think it was something about some pesticide in Florida that caused an unusually high rate of protandry (change from male to female) among a particular type of frog.
edit: this was like 10+ years ago, idk, but as always: Alex Jones was [kinda] right.
much like the economist magazine he took a genuine thing that happens and then drew it out into a conclusion that was nuts
Wh… what?
Is there a way to…see those HD shields and weapons?
Well, gotta keep yourself busy I guess?
I’m convinced the dude really has seen /been visited by interdimensional vampire demons and it’s just driven him insane, so whilst everything he says is true he makes it seem utterly ridiculous. A real sort of Lovecraftian mystic kinda vibe, really.