Sexualized Content is Fine


Was it to match the in-game model or because it was shaped like a male exclusive?
I didn’t see anyone go: “Oh the love rocket icon doesn’t look like the in-game model, Blizz change it pleaaase!”


true, think that even the cover of the Nirvana album now has a lawsuit in progress, someone wakes up after thirty years (maybe to beat money)

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The particualr phrase in question “Bro’s before ho’s” started in the US. It was used by a group of male freinds telling one of their friends that their needs should come before their girlfriend… There are many phrases like this… “My wife wears the trousers in this house”… “He’s under the thumb of his Wife/GF” etc… there are phrases that if you read into it deeply enough that work in favour of either gender.

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Let’s be honest, he has made money and publicity off of that photo for years… now he needs more money… that’s what that lawsuit is about. (Sorry for offtopic)


So equalling your girlfriend with a hoe is fine, I see…

How exactly is a quote equalling your girlfriend / wife with a prostitute favouring either gender if I may ask? There is no men addressing equivalent to it. And that you cite some sayings that are clearly aimed at woman who have the somewhat leading part in a relationship doesn’t help the situation either. Please don’t go over to justifying its use now thank you.


Oh no, you misunderstood me. I did not want to say “Introduce more sexualized content”. With naked Taurens I mean the “naked” ones we have currently. Not literally naked. I don’t care at all about that lol. I actually kinda prefer it that way because otherwise it’d be weird. I don’t need to enjoy a Taurens tail duality.

I agree and disagree.

It’s still funny tho. It’s a achievement title. A normal person reads it and goes “haha, funny play on words.” No one will go “Oh yeah mate! bruh! That’s the spirit!”.

I think the Bro’s before Hoes comes from the fact that if a women gets introduced to a male friendship it has the possibility to destroy that friendship because both guys want to be with the women. Which says a lot about males and what is says isn’t positive either. This is an issue. A natural one though. I don’t agree with your interpretation. What it says is: If a women get’s introduced into a male friendship, don’t touch her. Because people are stupid and will fk it up. Now people started to say Bro’s before Hoes simply because it rimes. (My personal guess)

I mean, wtf is your argument that you literally use “the bro codex” in it? That crap doesn’t exist. It only exists for some douchebag stereotype. The bro codex is a running gag, at least for 99.9999% of the male population. The reason nothing similar exists for women is probably because in our culture, the men has to start the interaction while the women only has to act on it.

However: You obviously had people like Afrasiabi who probably believed in it and a culture that supported it (which is truly fk up). So I do indeed get the taste of whoever added it probably meant it in the way you describe it. Jesus think about that… Anyway, so I do get if Blizzard tries to remove the remnants of their bro culture (or whatever they called it). But then also make a statement about it. A honest one.

Now if you ask people about their opinion of possibly offending content, you’ll always get a lot of people saying yes. If a lot of people came to Blizzard and told Blizzard “Hey, I saw this achievement title and I think it’s a bit cringy. Maybe change it please?” then sure, change it.

People dislike the change not because they are misogynistic but because it leaves a hypocritical taste. And that’s probably because Blizzard just can’t for their life properly communicate.

(I hope they remove the mogs though. I think that poop is cringe and simply stupid.)

To add to the above: I do see it from the perspective of a guy.

I wasn’t trying to. I was saying it’s use has changed and our views on it’s meaning has changed.

You seem to think that I agree with sexually demeaning women, I certainly don’t. I was explaining there were other phrases that promote the women as the dominant too.

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Oh my god. There. Is. No. Patriarchy. Go and watch Red Pill.


Why stop now? Let’s go back to full puritan standards. No ankles in my game, please. Far too sexual for my innocent eyes.



so nowadays everything gets changed because some trolls on twitter are bored


Afganistan comes to blizzard HQ.


Those are characters in game ffs. No1 sexualize you as a person. I demand more boobs cause I like them. I feel atractive to them. There are woman with super hot bodies irl so why wont we have them in game? Maybe not each character, but they are cenozring everything thats tied to being sexy. This is madness.


Can we delete the succubus now? My short blue hair get electric when i see a sexualized female entity enslaved to a male warlock.
Or can we have male succubus for male warlocks and female succubus for female warlocks?
Oh wait, it would promote a sinful sexuality… heck.

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No, I don’t. But the examples you mentioned barely promote independent women. They are only ever used in a sort of smugly context to tell that a man doesn’t have (enough) control at home.

Why do you feel the urge to respond to me particularly when it wasn’t me who brought the term up in the first place?

That was the post I was referring to, so why not reply to Shammoz? Oh wait, I know why…

That’s the extreme ideological views I talk about. They shouldn’t be part of business decisions. Hardcore feminism should not be part of Blizzards culture the same way hardcore alt right crap shouldn’t.

You just assume that guys who play female characters are perverts and run around naked. Most don’t. It’s an RPG, maybe you just wanna play a female avatar. Take me for example. Back in 2005 I wanted to play with a friend. That friend wanted to play nightelf. I liked the culture around night elfs but the male just look bad. So I made a female. I still play that char. There isn’t more to it.

I personally even dislike those naked mogs. They are clearly a fantasy of nerds in puperty and are simply stupid but mainly for immersion reasons.

but good thing you assume men only want the one thing.

I never hear the likes of you screaming about the muscular bodies of the male models.


Can you probably respond in one post to what I replied first before digging out the next paragraph I wrote? Thanks.

how dare you. you should be attracted to overweight short haired mountain trolls


Im evil. But for real all shapes are fine and being atractive to anyone is fine too. Just dont force others to whatever you like. I dont get those people.

I did saw that. He used the term patriarchy, he didn’t say there is a patriarchy. In my opinion he used that word because he read between the lines and recognized the ideology which was used to discuss the issue here. And as we can see:

He got it right. You obviously believe, at least that’s how I read you posts, in tHe PaTrIaRcHy. I did not think that Shammoz believes in tHe PaTrIaRcHy.

If you are interested in the issue of feminism though, I suggest you watch red pill. It is about a female feminist documentary who investigates the men’s rights movement. She also has a ted talk about it on youtube.

I don’t understand. Honestly. Are you saying because I am a guy and he is a guy, so I don’t question him? Care to elaborate? Why don’t you just call me out on whatever you think I am doing?

No idea who you are referring to but people sometimes take their time to write an answer and the thread moves fast. Also in the WoW forum you can’t have several answers followed up.