Sexualized Content is Fine

You are flat out wrong, women sexualization decreased and male sexualization increased, you are just blind to it. Jaina’s boobs actually got nerfed several times, i guess you havent played wc3. Sylvanas didnt change much since she got her own model either, actually she got censored more and more. There are plenty NPC’s that are modest to please those that dont like women showing skin, and there are some NPC’s that are more sexualized, but if you want to make everything censored, that kinda goes one way doesnt it? As i said above there are plenty modest women in wow. Wow is probably one of the least sexualized games i know.


How did I attack you?

Random Edit: I think I should have called the thread “sexy content is fine”. I guess sexualized rubs the wrong way.

The phrase ‘Woke’ to mean ‘Aware of social injustice’ originated in the 1940’s to describe someone who recognised that racism existed, and was bad.

Pretty sure being ‘Woke’ is kind of the desirable state of affairs, unless you actively disdain the idea of people being treated equally.

That is hitting the nail squarely on the head, mostly. It is social media that makes people more aware, but sometimes, often in fact, allows misinformation to go flying around the world.

There is a picture still doing the rounds on facebook and Twitter, with a woman holding a placard saying that the US Government spends $46 million subsidising a certain male medication allowing the little soldier to stand at attention longer, but nothing on women’s medication.

Complete rubbish. Simply not true.

For a start, the US Government does no such thing. The Federal government does, via the Department of Defence, but two things there…
Firstly, That is the Federal Government. The Federal Government is a ‘checks and balances’ system in the USA. Sort of like you have the ‘House of Commons’ and the ‘House of Lords’ in the UK. The two do not always, in fact often, disagree…

The Federal Government is actually taking the state of Texas to court over their recent legislation disenfranchising women, so this $46 million figure, is actually the people on women’s side…

Secondly, it was the Department of Defence. Now they’re weird. Because they’re not part of the Government, but the Federal Government, which is why a President can’t just click their fingers and send the country to war, any more than the Queen of Great Britain can. The DoD were open about their expenditure on sexual health within the US military, for a start they said it was actually $54 million, not $46 million. Shooting themselves in the foot eh?

Not really. of that $54 million, about 52% of it was spent on medication for female servicewomen in the military, and 48% on male servicemen. Rather unusually for an American institution, the Military tend to look after their servicefolk of either sex, and provide free treatment whilst in service, This is despite women making up 14% of active service personnel. So that figure is both wrong, and deliberately inflammatory. Yet social media loved it. So ‘The Government’ was actually spending $25.92 million on 86% of the military who were male and $28.02 million on 14% of the military who were female.

But I guess that wouldn’t have looked so good on a placard, eh?

Oh my Gods there are…I mean you’re right. There so are. Difference is, they’re still socially acceptable. Ever seen a Calvin Klein advert for male underwear? Yep. Aftershave adverts? yeah. Women’s magazines with straplines like “How to get your man in shape” or pictures of Holywood Adonis type fella’s, bumped into a Hen Do and had some member of the party grab your junk? (I know I have) but it’s just a ‘Bit of fun!’ Well, technically it is sexual assault… You have to be over 6 foot tall with a six pack and a tan to be attractive to women so we’re told. There absolutely are ‘beauty standards’ for men, and y’know, it is no less demeaning. There is even at the moment a sensationalist article going around on Facebook of Vin Diesel topless, he’s got a bit of a ‘Dadbod’ paunch going on these days “What do you think Ladies, he’s really let himself go, he used to be fit”

Sexualising people, whatever their gender is not OK, but neither is it a one way street.

That’s both sides of the equation though. That’s what people actually mean by the phrase ‘Toxic Masculinity’ It isn’t a stick to beat men around the head with, it means the methods that we learn that actually really damage the male psyche, and by extension, our relationship with females. Starts in school. “Boys don’t cry” “Be a brave little soldier” “You don’t hit girls, even if they hit you first” “Man Up” “Alpha male” (Which by the way is not a concept that exists in the Animal kingdom, nope, not even Wolves),

It’s part of the reason that young men are the highest demographic who succeed at Suicide. Unrealistic expectations, not being able to express feelings until they boil over.

I can, sadly, state that this is much more common than people think. My marriage finally broke down over it. My ex-wife thought nothing of punching and kicking me, but always where the bruises wouldn’t show when I put a suit on for work. But of course, you can’t talk about it, because of the stigma of being beaten up by a girl, and you can’t even fight back, because you learned ‘boys don’t hit girls’ way back on the playground.

Ehh, it’s a franchise over there. As long as they pay Blizz they can alter the game how they like, and have done, in the past.

Basically over sexualising a character is sending the wrong message, whatever the gender, characters should be cool because they are cool, not because they are ‘hawt’ Admiral Rogers is cool, she’s a vicious, sadistic vengeful woman(with good reason), but never sexualised. Amber Keenan(RIP) was another. Liadrin too, to be honest,.

Though to be honest, I find a women in full plate, bloodied sword, blood of her enemies sprayed across her face and armour with a fierce look to her to be much more attractive than any vapid Kardashian…so maybe that’s just me… :stuck_out_tongue:


Garrosh, Thrall, Baine, Vol’jin… Plenty of male faction leaders that tend to wear less than the ones you mentioned.

Actually, my complaints is about the Writer sure who constantly self-inserts for fanfic and I’d be happy if Sylvanas got deleted. :slight_smile: Try harder, though.

I do Criticize sexism, but sorry having character models that are ‘sexy’ to some is not defending the culture of sexualization and sexism at Blizzard.

You’re the one that has

All I see in this thread is a bunch of guys going, no, it’s fine, leave it alone. You don’t get to tell us what is fine. We’re telling you it isn’t. Do you think Blizzard would be doing anything about it otherwise?


Me? I am not a Blizzard Employee.

Yrel, Meiv and Co. are rather “side rolls” not dominating the game for longer than 1 or 2 expansions. Jaina as mentioned got a boob job. Yes, I purposely picked dominant examples that are more constantly present and therefore getting paid more attention.

Or maybe because sexualisation actually needs a certain sexiness to apply and the examples you’d like to count on male side of heroes aren’t that sexy at all. It’s not about naked torso per se you know? It’s about looking sexy and using arousing aesthetics.

Absolute pillars of male erotic and every woman’s wet dream, aye.

irony off

Now please try again and find me an actual sexualised male hero with realistic human appearance to be described as sexy. All of you guys arguments about heros with bare torso being sexualised misses out on the simple factor of attractiveness. Male characters looking ugly as hell don’t get more attractive by taking their shirt of. Thrall isn’t an explicitly seductive drawn character. Baine isn’t an explicitly seductive drawn character. Vol’jin isn’t an explicitly seductive drawn character. Alexstrasza is. Ysera is. Sylvanas is. And Valeera is, too.

Not really. Valeera came with BC expansion, increase. Alexstrasza and Ysera models got introduced in WotLK, second expansion, increase. Sylvanas original model replaced, Alexstrasza and Ysera gear model applied to her during Cata if I’m not mistaken. Increase. Pandaria, well… WoD, oh yeah increase of male sexualisation by absolutely erotic and seductive looking orcs I’d pay real cash to give me a lapdance. Please don’t be ridiculous… Any Shivarra looks sexier than Kargath Bladefist. You indeed had the rise of Demon Hunters but their reduced clothes came equal to male and female Illidari. Plus they were all of the same two, at least “pretty” races, so rather long lacking equality regarding sexualisation for attractive chars on both sides. Still no increase on male sexualisation compared to female sexualisation ingame.

Legion. More ugly demons with naked torso vs lightly clothed Nightborne females. If you now go and effing count me Vrykul or Highmountain Tauren males as eroticised increase of male NPCs you’ll prove that you are genorously disregarding the factor of attractiveness again while trying to take every random male npc with naked torso as an example for sexualisation. The term doesn’t equal naked torso. It equals making a character appear sexually appealing and inviting for sexual interaction. Just because someone isn’t wearing a shirt doesn’t make them sexually appealing. Sexy looks come with a whole package from FACE to toe. Garrosh vs Valeera? Stop joking. Vol’jin vs Alexstrasza? Yeah please be quiet.

Nah, you’re just missing the point and want to tell me women get an equal “choice” of sexually inviting npcs ingame as guys did which isn’t the case. We got a whole bunch of actually not sexualised male characters wearing a bit less but looking ugly AF while you get the intentionally drawn for male sexual appeal, human looking and therefore human beauty standards fulfilling, dev-wise promoted sex bombs with big tts. Period. You could even argue that trained male torsos are way more natural than those silicone gasballs they attach to female bodies all across games and animation material these days to increase artificial sexiness. You can also argue that while breasts, scientifically being sexondary sex features, indeed are prime sex features for men to look at when it comes to women. Because they’re the highlighting, visually striking one’s. Whereas with guy’s it in fact would be the actual prime sexual feature that is the more external one and therefore to “focus” on if really wanting to equal the level of sexualisation while drawing characterdesign. Have yet to see Illidan, Thrall and Co. visibly resized to seem more sexually inviting to women… HM! Might be blamed on the fact that most chief executives in the Blizzard art team are male? Just maybe? Boobs > big male genitals? Yeah sounds about right…

I can’t help it but all these female chars in game are to me also ugly AF. There is literally nothing sexy about them. They can add bigger and bigger unnatural boobs, but it only is making the image less appealing, or more curved backs till the chars break… less appealing. Nothing is natural about them :grin: Blood elfs are walking skeletons that almost break in two. Yuk.

And while I appreciate your maturity, it unfortunately isn’t a standard to go by…

So you think how revealing clothes can be is based on how attractive a character/person is? Now that is sexist. If an ugly person is revealing self, then its all good, if an attractive person is revealing self that is suddenly a problem? Also, you cant compare breasts to genitalia, they are completely different things. There are many cultures in africa and other regions where women can be top naked and nobody minds it, because they are used to it. Only here its more sexualized, because its always censored or hidden as something bad. I guarantee if in wow there were top naked customizations for women, after a little while barely anyone would use it.

You do know there were chest naked NB males right, basically only in underwear.

Either way, what is your problem of there existing some sexy characters? Its not like every single female is in a bikini. Believe it or not, other women also like such characters.


Did you read the title of this topic? We’re talking about sexualisation. Sexualisation doesn’t equal being naked per se. It equals making a person “sexually appealing” by focussing on features that promote said appeal. So yeah, how revealing clothes are set or not set to promote sexual appeal does play a role here.

Both sexual features aka sexual characteristics, so mentioned by me. You say only breasts are to focus on when it comes to sexualisation. I say focussing on the aspect of breasts regarding sexualisation is mainly promoted by a male point of view because that’s the sexual feature mainly appealing to men when ut comes to sexually inviting appearance. And I can guarantee you that when it comes to said sexual appeal the meaning of male breasts isn’t necessarily as important to women as female breasts are for men.

Not used to it, it’s natural. What isn’t natural is the exaggerated promotion of fake boob shapes no woman actually would have without a surgery. Please don’t deny that there’s a certain unnatural stereotype of female breast shape promoted across all fields of animations. Game-wise as well as in comics. A well trained male torso is way more naturally achievable than that. So while you try to claim that men are equally sexualised, you miss out on one-sidedly exaggerated unnatural features in female appearance.

Still I can’t see any explicitly sexually appealing, oversized feature.

What’s your problem with limiting the amount of certain sexy features ingame and start to focus resources more on actually developing good content instead of making it a “dress hot and feel sexy” game? Not once did I say remove all and everything. You try to make it seem that way because that’s what you want to interpret into my words. I question the exaggerated focus on sexualisation in games and even promoting it to be important though.

And believe it or not, other women and even plenty of men don’t. What’s your point?

OP said that they wrote a bit wrong title, they wanted to call it sexy things are fine.

That is incredibly subjective, it depends from person to person. Not really enough to prove your point.

Sure there are quite a lot of unnatural breasts in animation, especially anime, but this is WoW, and in WoW you have breast shapes of all types and sizes, most of which are pretty natural and plenty women are born like that. Where as most males are shown as ripped, which require lot of training or are unachievable by certain body types. So yeah, dont deny that men are also unaturally stereotyped.

Really you cant huh?
Well then i can say same about all the female chars you mentioned.
Now let me show you unsexualized male char.
How many important male characters have you seen like this? Thats right, none.

For more variety and customization. Nobody forces you to dress hot if you dont want. And not every women in WoW is in bikini.

Point is, you want to restrict it to those that like it. Those that dont like have a lot of options already.


It truly is amazing how they just make things worse for themselves. Its like they are in a hole and just keep digging themselves deeper and deeper. The people in charge over there looks completly lost as human beings , when i think about it its much like the rest of humanity these days its like its going through a collective identity crisis

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IRL people, animals, etc go out of their way to appear attractive and accentuate their body’s looks (by various means.) Whether that be to attract a partner or whatever.

When people start feeling ashamed of the great aspects of their body types, that’s a day they’re in a collapse state.


So to make it short: With woke I mean the “social justice warrior” on the ideological radical side. I simply dislike radical ideologies. It’s unhealthy. Just look at the European left, they are fked because they tend towards this kind of wokeness instead of being true to the lower classes and workers.

I mean those people who claim there is no difference in gender at the time of birth but all difference is attained by culture. That goes as far as claiming “biological equivalent”. And I’ve met women and discussed hours over hours about it. They are just losers and want to blame someone else than themselves. The problem is, that to some degree they would have a point but by taking it to the extreme, they invalidate it.

I just dislike extreme ideologies and the damn word filter on here.

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