Sexualized Content is Fine

Which of the female faction leaders are ‘too revealing’ for you exactly? Also not sure what point you’re even trying to make there in the first place or why if they’re faction leader or not even matters to the conversation we’re having? Seems like you’re posting in bad faith and moving goalposts on a whim.

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soooo they are removing sexualised content from the game… yet add woke and LGBTQ themes …

im not against either but it seems a bit hypocritical…

not to mention china has just asked for less effeminate men to be shown in video games…

and we all know blizzard do everything to appease china…

so i am going to be getting my popcorn out to watch how this goes.

This is the bad part, my gnome friend - I’ve tried to avoid posting anything on this thread, but my opinion is as follows…

i think its possibly something to do with the infamous lawsuit so Blizzard can say “Hey State Prosecutor - we are trying to clean up our image by removing pixels in game and firing the people responsible for the acts that we are quite rightly getting clobbered for”

my 2 coppers worth is that i couldnt give a rodent’s rectum if they remove stuff or keep it (with obvious exceptions like removing references to certain pervy ex employees). I’m almost tempted to roll a female hunter with the skimpiest of gear just to troll the thirsty guys in game

So, Blood Elf males are gonna be deleted?

Take Valeera Sanguinar for example. Or the constant forward going sexualisation of Sylvanas. I remember her wearing a tunic and having a Night Elf model in the early days, when she was way less perverted by devs and writers.

Remember that? When people complain about desexulising the game, they should at least remember the very old skins and models having been way less sexualised. And they should also remember WHY and by WHOM the more sexualised versions were done.

Everyone was complaining about Sylvanas being perverted to some lore wirter’s hot dominatrix fanfic waifu. You are currently promoting said hot fanfic waifu culture…

You criticise sexism at Blizzard yet defend the culture of sexualisation sexist Blizzard staff established in the game. Two faced moral standards.

That’s been reversed long ago tho, she used to be covered up and having a default Nelf model, yes.
Then she had her stomach bare for a bit before that was deemed unacceptable and that was covered up too.

And how about Alexstrasza? Ysera? You can’t deny the fact that “shortage of dress” was some sort of general code for designing female protagonists. And yes, a lot of female players were annoyed by it. Why aren’t we allowed to be and are attacked or labelled hardcore feminists with some sort of political agenda if we want a bit more than two female leaders to be dressed a bit more normal.

Alexstrasza hasn’t been a part of the WoW story for a long, long time.
But sure, she wears a pretty skimpy outfit.
But as I said, so does Illidan.
He’s actually topless, or does that not qualify as skimpy now?

You are and I never attacked you for it either. You’re absolutely free to have your opinions.
Just as I am free to have mine. I’m sorry you feel attacked by me because I disagreed with your point.
I’ll be off now, bye.
PS. I didn’t label you as anything either.

I didn’t say that and I wouldn’t mind if he is granted a bit more coverage. Also, I find the male Night Elf armor from the BfA Orgrimmar battle scenario quite underwhelming if you explicitly want to hear it from me.

Wasn’t referring to you but OP who actually did label and attack me. So did others in this and one of the 3000 threads about the issue that popped up today…

Simple. This is a fantasy game. You and your irrrational thought process on eradicating history in art and technology (this is technically both) is what is stifling imagination.

Why do you see a female naked form as a sin? Why do you not like sexy female clothes? Believe it or not there are female gamers that actually like to make their player character sexy it’s part of their persona, how dare you force your judgement on their point of view?


My only complaint is that they actually are high-res. They should be low-res like the original ones…

Oh there we are again with allegations out of nowhere. I actually have quite a small collection of and also draw art you would deem skimpy to “quite delicate”. None of your accusations are true and you again cater the “judge before knowing sh…” brigade. You draw conclusions from simple statements I made about overly sexualising female characters. Which IS a problem and the fact that a bunch of Blizzard staff responsible for it are now facing allegations about sexism proves it. Because no, not everyone promoting it is reputable and no, not every corner of the internet needs to drown in half naked women. That’s it.

Your conclusions are ridiculous. I don’t need to see a female body as a sin to be critical about aggressive promiscuity. Learn the difference. Also, how dare you force women, who don’t feel the urge to promote constant promiscuity in media to not ask for some moderation? Neither extreme is alright with me. I just don’t get how it always has to be either Burka or suspenders. There’s a whole world in between but I guess, the political extreme stereotypes are all that counts. Even in gAmEs…

So your art is fine and not up for debate or analysis? What if I saw it and made a huge issue out of it? How would you feel?

I know enough from this thread your mannerisms on the subject and I feel you are imbalanced and feel the artist should cater to YOU, the artist creates what he or she wants and is not beholden to your point of view. You have a point of view and I encourage people stating their opinion what I don’t like is types like you who go on a witch hunt and take “questionable” routes to make your voice heard on it.

Err what? Provide proof the people who made this art are on the list of abusers.

You completey missed the point of my post, You are the minority in this arguement. I’m all for diverse thoughts and voices joining hobbie spaces but when those voices start trying to tear it down bit by bit that’s when I get annoyed.

How would you feel if i entered your hobbie and started making comments and unfounded suggestions to change it? Demand censorship and basically change your entire hobby into a drab boring santized space?

You do realize that WoW is a 15 year old game that is literally catering to the retro fantasy crowd right? Also your generalization of near enough all female leaders are wearing lingerie is out right wrong.


Is this about WoW specifically, or just media in general?
Because I don’t think anything in WoW is something I’d consider overly risque. I’d say that as far as sexually charged themes go, WoW is pretty tame.


If this is true you might try to give different signals with your posts.
I do not have an agenda to think about you in any kind of way. So you are utterly wrong too,
Anyway; :+1: no hard feelings.

I am trying to write something in this horrible thread for some time now, but I just am not able to.

So many people are either playing dumb or are dumb.


They don’t make these changes for us but for shareholders and investors.

In nowadays woke world companies won’t invest funds and keep shares in the company with a bad reputation. Blizzard is making all these changes for them so their investors and shareholders cannot be affected with Blizzard’s reputation. Basically they will say “We invest into company that now respects genders and minorities. They also got rid of sexualized content”.

These changes have nothing to do with us players.


They don’t care about player perception to this, they’re trying to influence media perception to have a better chance in the current lawsuit against them.


There are many female leaders that are dressed “normal”. Yrel, Maiev, Talanji, Calia, Jaina and Katherine Proudmoore, Tess Greymane, Winter Queen, Draka, Geya’rah, Mayla Highmountain, Moira Thaurassian and many many others. You just purposely pick a few that are more sexualized to fit your ideas. There are far far more sexualized male characters than female, yet somehow you dont mind that. I guess because you feel normalized to male being able to show bare chest always.


Art is always up for debate IF published. Some go to an art exhibition to do so. Others write reviews. That’s what you have to deal with when publishing any of your art. It’s not there to be unconditionally worshipped without critique. And while I have nothing against WoW’s art design in general for it is brilliant and I have some of it in panorama poster size on my wall, I question a certain fixation on the female body as an erotic element in games.

Mannerisms are an interesting thing. Screaming “More boobs!” in threads like these seems to be way more acceptable than having an extremely unpopular opinion. Especially if you are a woman daring to represent your point of view equally agressive and unapologetically as men do. Questionable is a lot about this and other discussions in this forum. For example the fact that a bunch of male writers seek out one female writer specifically to target their upset at whenever she disagrees just because she does so a bit louder and less cutie pie style than other women. Or the fact that whenever certain changes, from skin colour to sexualisation get an update in favour of “minorities”, 5 to 10 posts about it pop up in the course of 24 hours, starting with general complaints at first before going over to political rants catering a certain ideology. Questionable routes. VERY questionable routes.

You really try to deny links between abusive Blizzard staff being glorified as much as to implementing multiple ingame references and say the way devs on stage at Blizzcon mockingly reacted to a female player criticising the sexualisation of women ingame is a coincidence? How naive and in denial can one be?

Am I? Or do others of my opinion simply not reply to this kind of topic at all? Because I could swear I miss a bunch of names from regular posters, who usually are known for their intellectual capacities on this one… Would be actually interesting to know how many repliers are male and female tbh. At least for me.

Is my hobby, too isn’t it? Why should I deal with overly female sexualisation if it’s mainly men promoting it? There was a comment in one of the other “support boobs” threads today claiming women would destroy Blizzard. Didn’t see much criticising comments to that one. Fascinating observations actually.

Aye, I’ve been playing since bc. And if I can tell one thing then that sexualisation INCREASED since then. So your take on censorship is pretty hysterical. It is a fact that Jaina’s boobs got a boost. So did Sylvana’s. It’s a fact that if you compare male heroes to female one’s, you’ll pretty quickly realise that the female one’s are more often “underdressed”, especially if they’re part of a “pretty” race. It’s a pattern and a lot of female players don’t like it. Players, who have been part of the retro crowd ever since but didn’t get their say because the game industry was way too long catering male players.