SF to 60, no unbroken buff

I just hit 60 as Self-found and didn’t obtain the Unbroken Self-Found Champion entry in my Soul of Iron buff, any idea why not or any idea how I can get it?
I’ve tried to restart the game and BattleNet, logged in to different characters - no change.


Did you have the buff at lvl 1 when starting your journey buddy?

Yeah as self-found, you have it from the start. Cannot add it later


Did you do SF by ticking the box at character creation or did you do SF in the hardcore addon?

By ticking the box at character creation

I got a reply from a GM that it is indeed a bug, so will follow-up with them

What is the unbroken buff? Is that a new buff only self found get at 60?

You get it from start when you tick the SF box on character creation

Hey mate. Did they give you your Unbroken Self Found Champion buff? I’ve sent like 4 tickets, filled tickets to tell about a bug and still nothing. I sent them screenshots of my character levelling and having the SF buff while dinging 60 and nothing. I feel like we will never get it…


Did you get it sorted after a …month, already? You think it will ever get fixed?

I talked to a GM and apparently only people who truly diserve it can keep the buff

jk I don’t know must be a bug

I am currently lvl 57 as self found and honestly I’m bummed out that it’s taking this long for blizzard Activision’s to fix this.

I guess it’s true when they say “Blizzard Activision’s doesn’t care about Hardcore”

Same applies for self found, but it’s ten fold.

The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that they ruined Era for SoD which will be dead within a month.

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Please Blizzard ! Fix this bugg, give all the people who put their time in a SF character the reward they deserve !

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Let´s be honest here. You only want other people to see that you managed to hit 60 while having to deal with more inconveniences.

what a shock, ppl play MMO to flex.

Incompetence of Blizz Dev is shown here. I bet you call it rain when they spit ; )

Pitiful people play wow to flex.
There are more important issues to fix in the game than your ego.

Let’s be honest here, you have the buff all the way to 60, not logic that it dissapears the moment you turn 60

I do agree there, but since it used to work it can’t be a big fix either

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I was just takin a piss (making a joke - Hello brittle moderators -) out of this issue. While I can get behind people complaining about this, it´s still trivial given that it´s just something they want to flex with.

Please fix the firelord and unbroken champion soul of iron titles.