I saw the rework of SH in 10.1 and I personally hate it.
I have so much fun with the sh priest right now. It is super fun so many abilities to press. Yes it has button bloat that is insane but it does fit the spec and its super fun!
I like how complicated the spec right now is. I think it should stay that way.
If people want to play easier classes then you can still play demon hunters for example and spam one ability.
I saw the rework personally I think that I will be dropping sh priest in 10.1 and try a different class.
Although it is my alt I really began to play it more than my main. Its just that much fun.
Cant say i like the rework either, but its going to be hit and miss across the board regarding that sadly.
No matter what they do they will upset someone so they cant rly invest in that overly. Just choose a new main for 10.1, gearing basically restarts season to season so its not overly bad to do so
They would have spent their times better twiddling their thumbs.
For one, mind sear was not even bad, in fact it was pretty good, and gave s priest a way to do aoe damage without having to dot up everything.
The only ability that could be considered bloat was mostly divine star, and shadow word death without any modifiers.
Just because a spec has a lot of buttons, doesn’t mean it’s bloated.
A bloated spec is one that has buttons that don’t really feel like they do stuff, but you need to press them for some reason.
What they should have done instead:
1: mind spike should have been a purely proc based ability that does a lot of damage when it procs, and also procs apparitions. Or an ability that replaces mind flay, and inherits the big proc and insanity/apparition generation from the previous idea. When it does proc.
2: shadowy apparition double spawn on crit
3: Shadow crash cd reduced by haste, and it works like shadowfury, with no travel time.
And that’s honestly about it.
This rework is a pathetic excuse, and they would have been better off doing nothing. It’s lower quality than the ret rework, which i don’t even consider good.
But the class was sitting on 2 fillers one had to go, sure it didnt have to be mind flay, but it was insane just to sit on 2 fillers.
Shadow will still hold not far off the same complexity, with a increase to the reliability of several things such as cthun.
Its rotation will be still very much the same, its just you will now dump all resources into Devouring plague in both ST and AoE, and u wont mind flay but use mind spike in its place.
You lose 2 abilities among a 16 button rotation and ur losing ur mind over it.
The failures of the new rework is the fact it lacks flexibility i.e there wont be much change in builds boss to boss compared to now.
However its gameplay really isnt changing all that much its not perfect and yes alot of critique was ignored, its looking extremely lackluster in pvp, it lacks build options and the tier sets doubling down on that. Aswell as losing iconic abilities to make space for less liked abilities and bolting the class down to alot of active casting.
But gameplay will still revolve around almost the same rotation lol.