i have been playing shadow priest non stop recently , i tried it before Df but it was boring broken class but now its more exciting , yeah it has few things it can be adjusted and am glad to see a rework just hope it can be better , here it few ideas to make it better
1- mental decay & Screams of the void works with pyschic link as we need our dots to be kept on targets instead of reapplying them over and over also we had mind sear before to apply screams of the void to all mobs it should same way with devouring plague
2- Whispering Shadows & Shadow crash combined again to save us 1 extra talent point we need , most probably to be spent on tormented spirits or mind spike
3- mind bender removed from talent tree and added to spell book
4- give option for Shadowfiend to summon one of 3-4 types of the void servants " like the warlock options to choose a pet to summon " , there are many cool old gods forces and sticking to just one is just a waste , basically we wanna have better fantasy to the class theme
5- idol of Nzoth : increase the max targets to 5 instead of 4 and maybe boost its damage a little
6-idol of yashaarj redesigned removing conditions : mind bender duration is increased by 5 sec and increases you and your pets damage and haste by 10%
7- idol of yogg-saron summons a different being one like N’raqi the model with bigger hands as the one it summons actually looks bad , also it summons at 20 stacks instead of 25
8- void eruption is 1.5 min cooldown , or your spells reduce the remaining time for it
9-mind’s eye reduce the cost of Devouring Plague by 10
10- your summoned pets actually tank once they are out , Shadow priest are squishy and it would help for some tanking doing pve content
11- Sanguine Teachings added to your spell book as passive , its only 3% leech its not much but would help a little to have it without spending a talent point to get it
12- Power Word Shield holds for 30 sec and absorbs more damage why ! cause the moment i shield myself its instantly gone after couple of hits and i have to cast it again and again during the fight even with Void shield talent taken
13- mind blast mind spike procs work the same way they work now it adds to the spec and make it more fun rotation wise and makes the sp more mobile or make shadowy insight also works on mind spike
14- void torrent generates 50 insanity to speedup the start of your rotations , cast shadow crash apply dots then void torrent to generate insanity then devouring plague without having this 50 instant insanity generation it would take sometime to fill it to get to this point , most of the insanity generation from spells have been nerfed and we got a new talent that adds 50 more insanity to the bar so it feels lacking at this point
that’s it guys , tell me what do you think do you agree about these changes ! what can be better or improved , i love shadow priest and wish to see it in a better state