Shadow Priest and BM need hot fixing


  • Entropic Void movement speed reduced by 50% in PVP
  • Entropic Void slow reduced from 80% to 40% in PVP
  • Entropic Void damage reduced by 10% in PVP
  • Collapsing Void damage reduced by 10% in PVP


  • Black Arrow (BM) damage reduced by 20% in PVP
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Blizzard why you dont listen to this expert?

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The slow on the rift is kinda nuts, disc have it aswell

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mistweaver is also in needs of nerfs.Casually doing the most healing ive ever seen

Priest is literally the most immobile class in the game and you’re complaining about an interruptable/ccable channeled snare sitting on a 30 sec cd, when most clases in the game can cdlessly (and many passively) apply snares and roots while they’re mobile?

You post that as shaman, who has access to direct snare (frost shock), snare totem and root totem btw (having in mind the static totem and thiderstorm)


BM really need some fix.
Just send Pet and afk behind a pilar.

First if all, I don’t play shaman anymore.
I play warrior, warlock and MW monk

The problem with rift slow is mainly 2v2.
Try facing a Disc with a Feral/BM hunter at 2200 MMR.
You can’t do much, you can win but they have a much higher chance of winning and a big part of is is actually the rift slow. Also BM is overtuned, but that’s another topic. But the slow ruins the fun, because almost every 2v2 match got a disc priest, that says alot.
It’s 80% slow! You know how much that is? It could be 40%-50%

You can’t defend something that clearly will get nerfed, mark my words. I will come back here and say " I told you so ".
Have a good one

Mistweaver deserves to be good in arena for a while, leave them alone xD

One day you’ll realize the reason Disc is dominant is not because of a snare, but the fact that it’s an overtuned spec

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