Shadow priest buff

This decision only show how utterly out of place your team is.

It’s extremely embarassing how clueless you are. It shows that you have ZERO idea how to balance PvP and PvE or you simpy don’t care.

Shadow priests are one of the best classes in PvP being able to kill most people by only applying their two dots. You just made them even stronger.

You say you listen to feedback, but your decisions don’t reflect this statement. Don’t be surprised by the backlash, it only proves your overwhelming incompetence.


the recent buffs pretty much confirmed what was feared by most , wow sod team has 0 intentions to balance PVP

the class with the most utility in the game surely needs dmg to top the meters aswell otherwise why would you play it … also there is 10% dmg buff to boomkins in patchnotes that people seem to not understand we now only need a hunter 10% buff to not see any other class in pvp ever

man i feel u blizzard just love spreists and warlocks it seems i saw that more Hunter “Adjustments” aka killing the whole class again will be coming next week so spreists can kill us in 1 dot without a way to remove it XD

I’ll just copy and paste what I put in another tread because its boring seeing the same posts over and over again and I cba writing it out a different way.

People need to stop crying about 1v1 PvP… the game is never going to be balanced around 1v1 PvP in a rock/paper/scissor format.

Spriests are far worse in mid/large scale PvP due to dispells and then outside of our dots, all of our damage is hard casts. Paladins can 1 button cleanse both our dots and if we cant have our dots stick, we hard cast 400 damage mind spikes and 700 damage mind blasts… wooo

edit: and if we get tunneled… we disperse, silence ourselves for 6 seconds and die after anyway because we still get CC’d whilst in disperse. :joy:


but if you cast two dots and the target cannot dispell them they are dead aswell anyway

I can’t wait for my void plague to crit for over 1k. It’s going to be hilarious.


Considering warriors remain untouched, I’d argue they have no intentions of balancing PvE either

warrior going to get hammered in p4 so you can stop crying

and the only thing is broken about warrior atm in PVE is a 30 min cd that inflate logs

and its a lv40 from p2 ,so i completely dont care if they touch or not touch warriors

They were gonna get hammered in every phase, yet never did. P2 they got “soft nerfed” the same way every physical class did, so it wasn’t actually a nerf on warriors.
P1 85/100 top dps were warriors. Have you checked P3 logs?

But yes, you can, as all warriors have done so far, say “oh next phase warriors are gonna get nerfed”. Except that “next phase” is probably gonna be phase 100 xD

PS: i didnt make the comment due to the fact that your forum char is a warrior, I too can see it’s a lvl 40 char. I made the comment solely based on the logs.

sounds like you got bitten by a warrior when you were a child

who cares about pve logs u can finish the raid with a full team of casters spamming wand

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Why defend saying warriors will get nerfed but then say that pve doesnt matter?
Warriors are sh*t in PvP, so if your only concern is PvP, why even mention the prophesized “upcoming nerf” as an argument?

Dichotomy I’d say

stating facts , blizz already talking about it

cze pve is fairly balanced atm with some classes need a buff rather than nerfing the top dpses

and if you so care about logs , you completely ignoring the fact that its the second phase where melee hunters dominate and remains top dps

The second of none.

First phase was warriors for almost the whole phase.
P2 was shamans for almost the whole phase.
P3 is warriors again.

Melee hunters were top in p2 for about 2 weeks, same as p3

And i don’t even like melee hunter btw, nor lone wolf

No shadow priests are advocating for buffing us to the #1 spot, we’d just like to be comfortably above the tanks and not doing less than 50% of other DPS lol.

And yes this buff is out of place. We are strong in PvP and while this is a small buff, we didn’t need that at all.

They should have put the damage buff somewhere it only benefits PvE, such as shadow weaving or mind spike damage.

When you say feedback you just refer to moaning players that want there own class to be top dog.

Where is the basis for your arguement coming from? There is nothing rated to base any evidence on. If you are refering to random 1v1 skirmishes SP are strong as are rogue and drain life sl locks. Group pvp this shifts to other classes.

What do you want to balance around ? You just seem mad and offer nothing to the table.

that would be a logical solution - so not an option for blizzard

Funny how blizzard asked for community feedback on how to buff shadows, then ignored the feedback given that was giving a perfect solution for increased ST dmg without having an impact in PVE or support ability of a shadow, instead just flat dmg buff happens.

I’d imagine those requests take more than a few days to read and then make a decision on a path forward and design (for the good or the bad). We are only talking several days since they even made the statement. This is blizzard not a indie company that has passion for the game.

I literally gave them a complete solution - It takes 5 minutes to read, 30 seconds to understand. But its the EU forums, so probably no dev will ever even hear about the idea at all.

Probably should´ve gone to Redit or Twitter…