Shadow Priest Customization - Orbs/Ravens 🐙

Check out the photos in 2nd reply.

What if people wanted to show off their new Transmog, but can’t because the Shadowform is too dark? There is a glyph that reduces the effects A BIT, but I think it doesn’t help that much. I personally don’t like the current Shadowform (glyphed or not) and as a Shadow Priest main, I won’t stop asking for OPTIONS.

I decided to do something in Photoshop to see how would it look if we had an option to choose between being fully dark in Shadowform and flying Orbs/Spheres/Ravens above your head & shoulders.

I obviously got an inspiration from Kael’thas Sunstrider because he got these flying spheres. I think Warlocks used to have them before (now they’re crystals).

Also, a few months ago I made a collage of all past and current Shadowforms from the game. They’re still in the data and it would be awesome if we could choose between them as well because there are people who like the original Classic Shadowform, while I like the 7.3 glyphed one the most because it fit my Void Elf so well.

If you have time, I recently made a post about additional customization for races in future patches of Shadowlands so please read and reply if you think I haven’t mentioned something .


I don’t like the orbs for SPriest, especially now that their orb mechanic isn’t even a thing anymore.

Fire mages had it, and Warlocks can still use gems or embers. Fire mages lost theirs, they should get theirs back before Priest gets some.

Main reason for not liking them is they’re over used and blur the lines of class identity. Not special when all three cloth casters have association to floating orbs.

As for the raven idea, love SPriest and Ravens. Miss that Glyph, which is also my favorite representation of how it should be.


Well, I’m just offering the idea of alternative options if someone (like me) doesn’t like the current Shadowform and the last photo shows how awesome it would be if we could choose between the old visuals. Personally, I like the orb idea if I wanted to see my character more clearly :slight_smile: I can’t think of any other way.

I agree, Shadowform even when glyphed is so dark it’s meh options please Blizz!

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I like it as it means I don’t have to bother with mogs.
Must admit I don’t like the orbs … not sure why, but doesn’t look like a shadow priest.

Always support more customization than less. Especially if it makes sense. +1

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Wasn’t the system before insanity literally called ‘shadow orbs’?

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From what I remember, only I saw them. They weren’t part of my character.

Thanks a lot :smiley:

This :point_up_2:

Also, to add: Druids no longer require glyphs to look like other forms, they can select the form they want in Barbershop. I just don’t see why Shadow Priest can’t do the same with their old Shadowforms (that are in the data already anyway) including these orbs and ravens. If it doesn’t make sense for “Barbershop”, just add a tab at Class trainer.

i just want more tentacles… give me mooorrreee!

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Sure :octopus: :crazy_face:


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