Shadow Priest in early game

this some sort of joke lol?

Am I missing something or do I come into power a bit later? Its embarrasing playing in groups

Early game as in leveling or early stages of 85?

Early endgame shadow seems fine to be. Had a shadow priest top the damage meter in heroic today actually.

As for the leveling portion of the game, my feeling is that casters are on the weak side compared to melee. My fully heirloomed warlock (with bis enchants) got outdps’ed by a non-loomed arms warrior in questing greens at level 25 or so. Melees in general just seem to be stronger during the leveling process.

i mean dotting on short fights is meh… and yeah there is barely lots of haste in early levels.
but when we go to leveling side, multidotting with the sustain makes leveling fast

We don’t have the raw stats to really ‘click’ in heroic dungeon gear.

In time, when you get some baseline stats that make your Shadow Orbs pop reliably, you’ll have a much easier time. A number of other specs struggle roughly as much in 85 H’s.

Hang in there. We’ll be fine.

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Cheers team :smiley:

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