Shadow Priest is Dead Now.....Thanks

Full Bis…can’t 1v1 any class in pvp anymore, the healing has been nerfed so much that a full rotation barely heals 20% if lucky, and that’s even if you get able to do a full rotation which is impossible, so yeah, thanks for killing shadowpriests…again…best go reroll to literally any other class…joke of a dev team, how about nerfing paladins and shamans instead, or rogues for that matter, you know, the classes that desperately need nerfing, or hunter frost traps…nah, let’s nerf an already dead class even more and FORCE them to play healers, must be 2004 again.

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ah, not accounting for new gear is a good reason to complain at the start of each phase, sure…
Let’s look at this the other way around: SP use their own damage to passively heal, so what happens when you get stronger through more gear? right, your passive healing gets insanely strong… so there has to be some point at which your healing percentage has to be adjusted, so please, tell me, at which point do you think it’s most appropriate to do so without anyone crying?

Not accounting for new gear…yet while at full bis we’re less than useless…but that will change when we get full bis again…maybe if everyone else stays at p4 bis then yeah, maybe XD are you stupid? nothing changes when we get new gear because the already broken classes that 2 tap us…will be 2 tapping us again, new gear changes nothing when we’re all at the exact same point, so let me cry just now, instead of a month down the line yeah?

I completely understand that the healing needed to be nerfed in raids…shadow priests made warlocks look like utter crap, which they are…and could keep a single group alive better than some healers, but in pvp…useless