Hey, so i am looking for a guild to raid and just generally game with.
I’m mainly looking for a guild that has a goal to reach AOTC every tier, but i don’t mind stepping into some mythic raiding as well if the groups up for it, though i don’t see myself as a top notch CE raider anymore, I’m happy with taking a more casual/semi-hc approach to raiding.
So I’d say i have fairly extensive extensive experience when it comes to raiding, i have at least one AOTC from every expansion since they were brought in during SoO except BFA which is the only expansion i didn’t play at all. I’ve played WoW on and off since early BC and started raiding in Wotlk.
I always come prepared to the raids with my required consumables and having read up on the bosses that are going down during the raid night.
Other then raiding i enjoy M+ as much as the next guy, don’t care too much about pushing the highest possible keys, but i see them as a good substitute for some high end gear outside of raiding.
I also value the social aspects of the game and will happily sit and banter on voice whenever I’m online.
When it comes to raid days/times I’m looking for something more specific. The days and times I’m available are Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays between 19.30 to 23.00 CEST. I’m looking for a group that raids between 1 to 2 nights a week.
So yea, if you got a guild looking to fill a SP spot and you i could be a good fit I’ll happily have a conversation with you and i can go more in about things.