Shadow priest new form suggestion

Just wanted to double the post from US forums by gentleman called Mindflayer.

He suggested adding the old shadowforms in as options, and some new ones like turning shadowform into a K’thir form using the models from BfA.
They use the Undead skeleton so all the animations would already be set up.

Personally i think it`s a brilliant idea and fits perfectly for SP

It also win cause of BG3 success last year.

Developers have all the cool things in game already, but instead i`m sure we will get just as boring talents, as Oracle priest got.


adding to this: I would LOVE if we could toggle void form as our basic shadow form


Shadow priests definitely need that!

literally reverting back to S1 DF for SP would be better. I enjoyed both PvP and PvE back then.

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I settle for a glyph that returns us to the classic form (classic, tbc, wotlk…) which was a translucent shadow with violet and green vapor (I miss it a lot). In legion there was an area (I don’t remember where) where void elfs npcs came out with that shadow form and how cool they were…


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