Shadow Priest Shadowforms - 9.1.5 wish

(Photos are in the first reply - thanks to Puny)

Hi there! I’ve made a similar post about this a few months ago, but now that it seems like the Devs might actually read these topics and people’s wishlists about the upcoming 9.1.5 patch, I would like to ask the Devs to give us, Shadow Priests, an option to choose between past and present Shadowforms.

There are currently 6 versions (3 of them are with Glyph of Shadowform). Since Druids can choose to select which Bear, Cat or Travel form they want to use, I think we could also have the same option with Shadowform in Barbershop.


All of these visuals are still in the game files as we can see multiple old & new NPCs such as Void Elf priests in Zuldazar during the assault. I understand that many people like older versions, even the newest one, but I personally like the 7.3 ones and I wish everybody had an option to choose the form they enjoy playing with.

Additionally, I decided to play with Photoshop a little and made a concept of Orbs, Tentacles & Ravens that Shadow Priests could use to show off their Transmog after years of being shadowy purple. In the past, we had both orbs and ravens. We still have tentacles when entering Voidform.




Wow! Insane job man. Hope thy will listen.


I’d love this, these forms look awesome.

Perhaps we could us them as a base for different Entropic Embrace skins for Void Elves?

Whaddya think? :star_struck:


Nice! Yes, please Blizzard give us!


More customization options are always welcome!


Weird…its almost like the warlock shards/spheres we use to have…now no one can see our glyphs

Lyraseth my one and only hero, Thanks again

Edit : have you tried posting this on NA as well ? I could if you want.

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No I haven’t. Feel free to do so! I would really appreciate it :blush::blush:

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'Tis done :heart:


I like the not purple form but tentacles from my back or eyes etc
i’m not fun of purple character cause through shadowform you can’t see your TMOG
i had this problem for years with balance druid and then they added glyph of starts it was cool


Sounds like a good idea

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Thank you!!! I had no idea I could post there.

Not sure if you can without a sub there, Maybe I’m wrong :thinking:

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honestly it would be nice to be able to remove it, after a while you want to see your transmog

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That’s why I think Shadow orbs (and other Voidy themed orbs/eyes) would be such an interesting replacement option.

It would be nice if Blizzard would do something like this.

A low-budget solution could also be to simply remove the +10% spell damage on Shadowform – which is the only bonus it gives – thereby making it an entirely cosmetic ability. Use it for the looks if you want, but you don’t have to.

But yeah, more ability customization would be welcomed by all classes and specs I think. And for Shadow Priests the Shadowform ability is definitely a visual where more customization would be appreciated.


I don’t wanna be a sore pessimist, but Blizzard usually ignore the coolest ideas just like this :frowning:

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(Bump reply :grimacing:)

But yeah, this would be really such a cool thing for Main Shadow Priest players who enjoy/ed the previous versions of Shadowform such as myself.


I love your character mog and customizations chosen! :smiley:

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