Shadow Priest Tier 12

If elemental shamans get their T12 restored to the original state, why are you not doing the same for shadow priests? It was literary changed in the same patch.

Patch 4.3 - PTR Build 14849
Tier 12

  • Item - Priest T12 Shadow 4P Bonus now increases the damage done by Mind Blast by 15%, down from 25%.
  • Item - Shaman T12 Elemental 2P Bonus’s tooltip was clarified with values: Your damaging spells have a 30% chance to reduce the remaining cooldown on your Fire Elemental Totem by 4 sec.

Because 1 of the 2 Dev’s working on WoW Classic plays shaman and none of them play priest.

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Instead of posting here, try posting on the ClassicWoWCommunity GitHub, from my experience blizzard devs look at that one way better than they look on forums.

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