Shadow Priests + Old Gods

If we look at the lore, do the Spriest have anything to do with the Old Gods(worship?
I like this talent line in the current build.
Was there a relationship between them a long time ago or did it only come into play since Legion?

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Ah Shadow Priest can be many things.

While some of them definitly worship the Old Gods you will find most Shadow Priests within the “Cult of Forgotten Shadows”, a Religion that became very popular among the Forsaken as it teaches believing in yourself and that there must be balance between Light and Shadow.

However, Shadow Priests all draw their power from the same source, the Void and therefore always have a connection or a association with the Old Gods, because they are creatures of the void.

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Say…why do you know so much about the void?

They Had Xal’atath when she was still trapped inside that dagger as an Artifact weapon back in Legion.

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